“Experts” from activists to politicians to academics to news media story tellers have published much about “What we must do to stop climate change”.

Are these serious proposals? Will they be taken seriously? We do not know – but these are actual recommendations from “experts”.

Which of these expert proposals do you support?

  • Ban having children
  • Ban all air travel. Or limit air travel to 2x per lifetime, or only to the very wealthy.
  • Ban single family homes. Mandate everyone live in dense, urban city apartments and condos.
  • Ban all personally owned vehicles. Discourage personal travel, if you must, then only by walking, bike, bus or train.
  • Ban all meat consumption, ban dairy, cheese and ice cream consumption.
  • In the U.S., pet dogs and cats consume 25% of the U.S. meat supply; experts say we must ban all pets.
  • Ban global supply chains
  • Establish global “climate lock downs”
  • Must suspend democracy if the people do not support these actions.
  • WHO should declare a planetary public health emergency and take charge
  • Shut down 40% of U.S. electrical generation capacity within six years (by 2030)
  • Issue everyone in the world a global, personal, digital ID and use it for mandatory tracking of each individual’s carbon emissions. Make purchasing carbon offsets mandatory for everyone.
  • Reduce global food production and make use of anti-obesity drugs mandatory for those who are overweight.
  • Ration everything – housing, transport, food – everything must be rationed, and apportioned by government experts who know precisely your requirements.
  • Reduce populations of large wild animals, such as elephants.

The above proposals were made by “experts” telling us what we must do to address the “climate emergency” of “global heating” and “boiling oceans”.

When looked at together, these proposals are not supportable and non-sustainable. Many are stupid, silly and unrealistic. Some, undertaken by activists such as vandalizing art works, exterminating Arctic beavers, vandalizing or destroying vehicles and airports – are just stupid.

The way to address climate change is with practical, believable, and sustainable actions – not pie-in-the-sky magical thinking, nor to adopt unworkable solutions that have no effect – but which satisfy someone’s political agenda (which seems to be putting a technocratic elite in charge of our lives – a modern restatement of Marxism and rule by central committees).

Which of these expert “solutions” do you support?

How To Stop Climate Change




Travel and Transportation




Climate Realism

Climate: How to realistically reduce carbon emissions – Coldstreams
