Malthusian thinking is strong with these Scientists:

One of these identifies “behavioural influencers” such as screenwriters, web developers and algorithm engineers, all of whom are promoting certain social norms and could be working to rewire society relatively quickly and harmlessly by promoting a new set of behaviours.

The paper discusses the enormous success of the work of the Population Media Center, an initiative that creates mainstream entertainment to drive behaviour change on population growth and even gender violence. Fertility rates have declined in the countries in which the centre’s telenovelas and radionovelas have aired.

Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Their solution is “de-growth” and a global propaganda campaign to persuade you that less is more, and you’ll be happier freezing in the dark while unable to charge your EV because the utility grid has asked you to turn off your energy usage.

If we don’t agree with their manifesto and their technocratic orders, all humanity will go extinct, they say. Seriously.
