It’s Sciencetm!

It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer (

You will be issued a “carbon passport” (remember “vaccine passports”?) that will track your estimated carbon emissions (with a model). This requires the establishment of a global, unique, digital ID for each person on the planet (and yes, that has been proposed by “experts”).

How do you feel about this?

The author has a Ph.D. in philosophy and has traveled extensively including Turkey, England, and Spain – and that’s just from the LinkedIn profile.

I wonder if he is aware that it was through international travel – by traders and “scholars” like himself starting thousands of years go, that led to the advance of civilization and the inventions that eventually made modern life possible?

What happens if we start banning international travel or limit only to the technocratic elite like Ross Bennett-Cook? The harms to humanity may greatly exceed any modeled benefits.
