Jusper Machoglu is an agriculture engineer in Kenya. As we in the U.S., with our wealth, install solar panels and buy expensive EVs, most of the world cannot afford those luxuries. Ending the use of fossil fuel, quickly, as he notes, is a literal death sentence for people and animals – we can’t instantly return to a Stone Age lifestyle without painful ramifications. Or, we could work on developing sustainable solutions, rather than climate lock downs which will not work.

Another posting is coming – a professor of musicology has written a paper guessing (literally a number pulled out of a hat) that 1 billion people will die from climate change. Therefore, it is fine if climate change policies kill hundreds of millions of people – because those policies are preventing more deaths (1-2 billion). He goes on to advocate the death penalty for “climate change deniers” and names many of those he thinks should be executed. Seriously.

This is the state of academics today ….
