In the midst of such a dire existential threat to the planet, some have urged President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency….

He should follow the next logical step and declare a climate emergency, which would unlock his full toolbox to address the threat. If he declares a national climate emergency, Biden can reinstate the ban on crude oil exports that was in place for decades before being repealed in 2015. He can also invoke the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to limit exports of coal and petroleum products as well as billions of private dollars that fund fossil fuel projects oversees.”

By declaring an emergency, the government can side step democracy. Public health did this during Covid – although dozens and dozens of public health orders were thrown out by Courts for violating laws and constitutions. Democracy has issues, obviously – need to end democracy to save the planet!

A “climate emergency” would be akin to declaring a public health emergency and turning our lives over to experts, who told us vaccines would eliminate getting an infection, and that home made, cloth face masks would stop the spread of Covid, and end the pandemic in a matter of weeks. We must trust the experts…

Is Biden taking climate change seriously? Here’s why some experts want him to declare an emergency (

Presidential declarations of National Emergencies are a concept largely created out of thin air, although later incorporated into Federal law in 1976. The President can declare a national emergency based on any perceived threat to our public safety, instantly assuming about 140 additional “powers” to govern. There are currently 42 “national emergencies” in effect, many of which are renewed annually.

The author is a long time climate propagandist, with a BA and MA in history, and has been working on his PhD in history for a dozen years. He was previously a political campaign staff worker and appears to primarily write political propaganda. Salon is a left wing, long time Democratic Party propaganda web site that focuses on “opinion” (see the link for details), is known for using “loaded emotional language”, “does not clearly label opinion pieces”, and has a “mixed” track record on getting facts correct.
