Here’s the real problem with all-electric cars: They lull us into believing that we can solve the climate crisis without significantly modifying the way we live. The problem isn’t cars with internal combustion engines; the problem is cars.

The fact is, our headlong descent into climate chaos is very, very likely to continue and accelerate unless we change fundamentally the way we live, which probably means fewer cars, smaller homes, much less air travel, less red meat and, frankly, less comfort and convenience.

John M. Crisp: The real problem with all-electric cars (

As documented on this blog, converting to all EVs reduces climate emissions by little. Yet EVs are the poster child for climate reduction efforts.

The solutions, though, are not to make grand sacrifices and make life worse and miserable – the solution is to make life better through new ways of doing things, efficiencies and improvements, with better products and services.

Many say no one is suggesting we ban beef, cars or air travel, yet persons of “influence” are making such arguments, just like above.

The author of the above writes opinion columns for the Tribune News Service. He has little biographical information online – here is a list of his past columns. He teaches community college English classes and writes opinion columns as a freelance writer. From the short LinkedIn bio, he likely has a BA in English literature. Student reviewers say he spends much class time talking politics and you will receive a low grade if your perspectives are different than his political views (numerous reviewers said that).

Related: Eat Your Veggies:  Writing ‘Produce Prescriptions’ Could Boost Patients’ Health (

Many articles like this one seem to be prepping for a vegetarian future. It is unclear if transporting fresh fruit and vegetables so everyone can eat those year round is better for the environment, particularly when the typical fruit or vegetable is transported 1,500 miles from farm to table. There is a hint that fruits and vegetables should be paid for by health insurance – seriously?

Related : Climate change will raise sea levels, cause apocalyptic floods and displace almost a billion people (

The overwhelming majority of opinion columns and “news” reports on science topics are written by persons who did not study science. As best I can tell, the claims in the above opinion column are based on the RCP 8.5 scenario, which many believe is physically impossible.

The author has a BA American history (Bard College), MA (Rutgers) and says he is in the 11th year of working on his PhD (Lehigh University) in history. His MA thesis was on Grover Cleveland (1888). Today he writes about climate topics. He has been involved with political campaigns and issues for years.
