On March 27, 2020, four days after Oregon’s lock down when in to effect, the Oregon Health Authority issued a $145,000 grant to an activist group named SNACK BLOC, under the auspices of the Coronavirus Relief Fund.

SNACK BLOC describes itself as a protest support organization providing food and other assistance to protesters, as described by the Willamette Weekly. The Weekly notes that SNACK BLOC made an infomercial that included the tag line to call “1-800-BURN-IT-DOWN”.

Oregon Health Authority is the Oregon state public health department with overall responsibility – and the authority – to issue strict public health Orders.

While publicly telling everyone in the state to “Stay Home. Save Lives”, OHA was publicly funding an activist group to assist in producing large group protests, contrary to their own “Stay Home. Save Lives” messaging.

OHA insists that protests were not a factor in the 2nd wave, which began immediately after protests started. OHA has a clear conflict of interest because of their funding the protests – and not wanting their funding to be associated with the start of the 2nd wave.

It is a mystery why no one believes anything coming from public health anymore. Bewildering why that would be.

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