None of the elite leaders and public health “experts” believe their own rules and guidance.

There is a field of study called “ethical fading” – about how leaders frequently deceive themselves into believing they are above the rules and act that way, thinking they can get away with it. That is precisely what public health has demonstrated as they routinely ignored their own rules, often providing a defense that they were qualified to make their own judgement on risk, but you are not. Because you are a peon.

Part 1 reached 120 single spaced pages in length and is no longer editable in WordPress.

Back in early 2020, I suspected the pandemic would become an historic event. I began taking notes. Up through the 2nd half of 2021, I estimate I had collected as much as 15,000 items – published peer reviewed papers, news reports, charts, screen captures of social media posts, and wrote thousands of notes recording the event.

Along the way, I quickly saw much hypocrisy as heavy handed public health officials began ignoring their own rules and orders – and then offering mealy mouthed excuses like “I hadn’t seen my daughter in six months” – excuses that would get the rest of us in trouble, but not them.

Eventually, I began logging these hypocrites – originally in a single post which was easy to scroll through. However, the post grew larger than could be accommodated in WordPress – and in late 2022, I split this collection into Parts 1 and 2.

THIS LIST IS UPDATED … nearly every day … sigh.

Bottom line: The elite routinely ignore their own rules. The purpose of authoritarian pandemic policies is intended to put us peons in our place.

We are to adhere to the rules of technocratic elite – they know better than us because we are just idiots. Yet the elite, as documented below, routinely ignored their own rules – because their rules do not apply to the elite.

Public health knows strict measures are not sustainable, are frequently infeasible, and typically within weeks, people get on with their lives – because the rules are not sustainable, the rules do not work in the real world, or there is no evidence they work (as published in their own research papers all the way up to the present).

This behavior might be why public health non-pharmaceutical mitigation measures eventually fail. Always fail.

Public health experts do not believe in their own rules. And the elite sure seem to have fun lives, galivanting around the world, ignoring mask mandates and social distance requirements that apply to the rest of us.

Bill De Blasio, Mayor New York City

After announcing shutting down the city and closing all schools, the Mayor is driven by chauffeur to his gym workout at the YMCA facility. The Mayor closed all gyms hours later, after finishing his work out.

Chris Godley, Director of Emergency Management

Godley violated his own rules:

“Chris Godley, the county’s director of emergency management, enjoyed a family trip to the beach Saturday despite a shelter-in-place order that has closed local parks and open spaces in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.”

Source: Sonoma County emergency management director disregards coronavirus shelter-in-place order, takes family to beach

Godley was the one who ordered the parks and beaches shut. He directly violated his own Order.

Neil Ferguson, PhD

The Imperial College London’s Neil Ferguson created the fraudulent disease model that projected 2.2 million dead in the U.S. by August of 2020 causing the U.S. to invoke the Defense Production Act and force GM to manufacture 200,000 ventilators that were never used.

His fraudulent models were the basis for ineffective lock down measures. He was the government advisor who architected the UK’s lock down orders.

In real life, Ferguson invited his married lover into his home multiple times. Even after he had confirmed Covid-19 the week before and his lover’s husband was a presumptive Covid-19 case at the time of their rendezvous.

Update: Late December 2020, his arrogance returned to persuade PM Boris Johnson to cancel Christmas in SE England. He apparently returned with a new model predicting over 7 trillion dead within weeks (for modeling, that’s close enough to accurate).

Update January 2022. Later, University of Edinburgh computer scientists, Microsoft Consulting, and other software engineering professionals reviewed his previously secret source code. The conclusion was it was pile of crap, having no adherence to any software engineering principles, was unmaintainable, and produced different answers each time it was run. ICL admitted it was aware the model produced widely different results each model run, that they did not know how to fix this, so they averaged multiple runs together, making a a never proven assumption this would then be close to accurate. The code had over 450 input parameters, many of which had no way of being determined – literally they were wild ass guesses based on nothing. ICL’s model was confirmed as a pile of shit – yet was used by governments worldwide to establish lockdowns that did not work.

Now, keep in mind that Ferguson’s request was to lock down the UK – while he himself ignored those orders. The very definition of arrogant, self-absorbed piece of shit asshole.

Keep in mind the public officials who relied upon a fraudulent model that had never been reviewed by outside experts and had a two-decade long reputation for producing forecasts off by two orders of magnitude. This is public health policy in action. As long as the author has enough credentials, nothing is verified and those who ask probing questions are labeled idiots or spreaders of misinformation whose online accounts should be canceled.

Update – I have an M.S. in software engineering. I also reviewed Ferguson’s model code and it is garbage. More on his model here and here. I am proud to be a brain injured idiot who pointed out that Ferguson’s model is worthless.

Dominic Johnson, UK Chief Advisor

The UK’s Chief Advisor to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Dominic Johnson, who is the advisor that ordered everyone to be under house arrest, ignored his own rules, twice, to travel 260 miles north in England. And did this travel when his wife had symptoms of Covid-19 and he was ordered into isolation. While he denied the initial reports, he has since admitted he is more important than you. (He argues it was legal under the “for paid childcare” exemption to the UK’s house arrest order that made it okay to leave home and travel 260 miles for childcare services – except not when his wife had Covid-19!)

Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Health Authority gives a $145,000 grant to an activist group providing direct support to protests and mass spreader events, a group with a tag line of “1-800-BURN-IT-DOWN” while simultaneously telling the public to “Stay Home, Save Lives.”

OHA burned its own credibility. If you doubt that, call 1-800-BURN-IT-DOWN and ask for Pat Allen, OHA Director.

Public Health

In February and March, public health proclaimed we should absolutely, positively not wear face masks. Faces masks only work when worn by a professional health care provider. Yes, they said that. This led to altercations – including assaults – on people wearing face masks in public. I was chastised on social media for saying I wore my used N95 shop mask by people who said I should have turned over my used, dirty, shop mask to health care (which would have promptly thrown it away).

The first week of April, just 2 days after reiterating that face masks do not work, public health reversed course and began ordering everyone to wear a cloth facial covering made of random bits of cloth, using random designs, assembled by persons of unknown skill – and assuring us these would work.

In late March, Dr Fauci said in a TV interview that they had to tell us not to wear face masks in order to preserve PPE. BUT THERE WAS NEVER A SHORTAGE OF HOME-MADE FACE MASKS MADE OF RANDOM BITS OF CLOTH USING RANDOM DESIGNS AND ASSEMBLED BY PERSONS OF UNKNOWN SKILL. Fauci flip flopped and lied about it.

Public health’s screwed up nonsensical messaging on face masks led to persons assaulted, knifed and even shot for wearing a face mask or not wearing a face mask.

Public Health Shut Down Non-Emergency Health Care

I injured my foot around March 1st. It hurt. Typical of those with this injury, I waited a few weeks to see if it would get better. It got worse. The day I decided I needed to see a doctor was the day the Governor, acting at the direction of state public health technocratic elite, shut down all non-emergency (e.g. not life threatening) health care in the state. I was unable to see a doctor until May 13th, ten weeks after the injury.

Diagnosis: Broken navicular and partially torn tendon.

During this period I was at times in considerable pain. But due to the delay in diagnosis, there was not much that could be done. I was in considerable pain into late summer and pain continued into late fall. In early 2021 (and even late 2022), I still have mild pain associated with the injury. This has been a long haul. Update: Nov 2021 – I have resumed activities but still have bouts of pain nearly every day.

By the way, car repair was not shut down – only non-emergency health care was shut, illustrating idiocy at work. My state never had a run on health care providers – most had to furlough workers during this public health directive because they had no work for them.

Literally, public health quacks denied me access to health care for a broken bone and torn tendon. I was in so much pain at times that I sometimes cried. This experience did not get my thoughts about public health off on a good footing.

UPDATE April 2024: I am still suffering health problems from this untreated broken foot from 2020 when, based on a fraudulent disease model from the University of Washington Institute of Health Metric assholes that was off in space. By summer of 2020, Oregon discontinued using the IHME shit because it was so inaccurate. But the damege was done. Due to the untreated fracture on the right side of my left foot, I naturally overweighted to the left side of the foot. This gradually led to supination. Lack of physical activity led to loss of muscle mass which was, unknowingly but fortunately, compensating for as yet undiagnosed osteoarthritis of my right knee. In 2021, I could only walk 200 feet and the OA was confirmed by MRI. The supination of the left foot, however, would lead to frequent left ankle twists/sprains, and eventually, a possible stress fracture at the back of the 5th metatarsal, twice in six months. This also led to – eventually – a torn peroneal tendon and injury to my right hip, which is now at 7 months and still healing. As of the spring of 2024, the tear has healed and I am in physical therapy for continued tendon tightness and right hip issues. All of this traces back to being denied health care by Oregon public health quacks in 2020 based on the asinine UW IHME models. You might now understand why I view public health as incompetent. I’ve been in pain for 4 years due their incompetence and arrogance. Public health can go to hell.

This non-emergency health care shut down was idiocy from public health quacks who never gave a moment’s thought to the consequences. To this day, they have never considered the costs of their actions (they have since publicly admitted the considered only hypothetical benefits and never considered potential harms). They did not give a damn about pain and injuries their decisions inflicted on people – they care only about [worthless] model projections. Their behavior appears sociopathic – they do not care about hurting others.

The UW IHME model consistently had wrong input values throughout this period and vastly overestimated the impacts of Covid in Oregon. Because of this errant model, Oregon cut off access to health care, causing harm. Later, IHME acknowledged their models were shit for months, and OHA discontinued using IHME models. The arrogant pricks at IHME have never apologized for the actual harm they caused – they don’t care because they are sociopathic elite.

Then …

Public Health Experts Say Protesting is More Important Fighting a Virus

After months telling us to “Stay Home. Save Lives.” in early June, public health “experts” told us that attending mass spreader protest events was more important than fighting a virus. This is not a joke. See the actual direct quotes advocating protesting as being more important than fighting a virus, below.

At this point, I lost all faith in public health. The entire field has no credibility and cannot be trusted. After months of following their public health guidance, we now have ten times more cases than before, and ten times more deaths than before, and more health problems (like my foot/ankle/knee/hip problems) because these people are quacks, not health experts.

Public Health Vaccination Expectations

In December of 2020, public health so mangled the vaccine announcements that surveys found a majority of Americans thought they would get vaccinated within the next 3 months. The reality is it would take until summer before they got through the prioritized groups. This was a huge miscommunication that should never have happened. As of January 2021, we still do not have an actual plan in place to vaccinate half of the adults by the end of June. This should have been the “all hands-on deck” moment of fighting a war – instead, in late December they almost completely stopped vaccination programs over the long Christmas and New Year’s weekend. We are supposed to believe this is an emergency when the public health experts don’t believe it’s an emergency?

(Update: By March 1, 2021, we now have a plan to have sufficient doses available to all adults by mid-year. That does not mean you will have a dose in your arm – that is a separate bottleneck and it may take through the summer to get doses into arms.)

Public Health Experts Ignored Their Own Rules

We have a right to be angry with “experts” for quackery and hypocritical behavior. They brought this public anger upon themselves by their own actions.

As you will see in this lengthy list, there are many “health experts” who routinely violated public health guidance – and the rules they themselves established. When caught, they defend their actions by pleading that their situation was special – even though it is the same situation you and I faced but we do not receive a free pass.

After 9 months of this inconsistent, contradictory, illogical nonsense from public health, public health seems to be politicized “experts” who have little idea what they are doing. We failed to control the pandemic but at least we put 40 million out of work, bankrupted businesses and destroyed our childrens’ education, caused other health harms – and 9 months into this, we increased the number of daily new cases by a factor of ten. Guess you can call that a public health success?

Update: By 2022, inflation is running rampant, and many say we are now in a new kind of recession. As of 2024, we are still in a high inflation environment.

Bottom line: Public health failed.

CDC Footnote

In January, WHO made available a low cost Covid-19 test. The US CDC refused to use it, saying it would develop its own test. The CDC then proceeded to spend February shipping out contaminated CDC tests (and as learned later, they knew their tests didn’t work).

After fixing the test, the CDC then asserted a government monopoly on testing through March, rather than allow non-government labs to conduct tests.

The result was predictable – failed tests in February, and then an inability to conduct the tests that were desperately needed.

Not until spring were other labs allowed to start doing tests.

The CDC should have immediately adopted the WHO test while simultaneously developing and verifying their own test. But the CDC chose not to do that – and this single failure of CDC public health may be why the nation is where it is today – with hundreds of thousands dead. (Update: 1 million+)

Yet another example of massive public health failures by professional quacks.

Chris Cuomo, CNN

CNN’s Chris Cuomo and brother of NY Governor ignored quarantine after being diagnosed with Covid-19. CNN had him report, numerous times, on New York state and how NY “did everything right”, including having him do on air interviews of his own brother. By February of 2021, Gov Cuomo was under separate FBI and US Department of Justice investigations for hiding data from the government, covering up deaths in nursing homes and possibly more. By March, the State legislature removed the Governor’s emergency powers and efforts are underway to impeach him. Also by March, half a dozen former staff members have accused him of sexual harassment, and he is now under investigation for that.

CNN eventually announced that Chris Cuomo is now banned from further reporting on his brother (as any legitimate news organization would have done long ago).

Update: In late 2021, Cuomo was fired by CNN for having lied about his involvement with his brother’s scandal.

George Stephanopolis

George Stephanopolis, diagnosed with Covid-19, ignored the quarantine rules.

Dartmouth Medical Center Health Care Professionals

Unnamed employee of Dartmouth Medical Center went out to party after being tested and told to quarantine. He’d been to Italy and had symptoms. His test result was positive. The party was with doctors and medical students and the elite people who set the rules for the rest of us peons.

Karyn Polito, Lt. Gov, Massachusetts

Lt. Governor of Massachusetts violates state order and hosts huge party after telling everyone else to engage in social distancing and stay at home.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan

Michigan Governor, whose lockdown orders led to mass protests, sought to have her own boat put in a marina ahead of the Memorial Day weekend – ahead of others and while she said people should be staying at home and not traveling to northern Michigan where the rules had been relaxed.

Gordon Ramsay, Celebrity Chef

Gordon Ramsay ignores lockdown rules.

UK Labor Party Leader Angela Raynor

Raynor criticized another leader (Cummings) for driving during lock down. Yet a photo surfaced showing Raynor violating the social distancing rules in effect at the time. Which was worse? Driving across country in your car or hanging out with a group of maskless buddies? Regardless, Raynor broke the rules she supported.

Veterans Administration

Veterans Administration Hospital hosts a lockdown party. Yes, a “lockdown party”.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Chicago

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot gets a haircut because she is “in the public eye” and looking good is “essential”. While no one else can get a haircut.

Gov. Ralph Northam, Virginia

Virginia Governor insists everyone wear a mask in public but then takes his family to the beach and no one wears a mask. And he’s a doctor – do what I say but not what I do.

Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer, Scotland

The Scottish government’s Chief Medical Officer violated her own quarantine house arrest orders so she could travel to her vacation home – twice. After being caught, she resigned.

Remember – public health rules are for the little people. The virus can tell the difference between supremely essential important people and worthless pieces of non-essential trash, like you and me.

Gov. Kate “Wear a Mask” Brown, Oregon

In Oregon, in March and most of April, one could not get a Covid-19 test unless hospitalized (already) for pneumonia, showing all CDC defined systems and living in a skilled nursing home or elder care center, or showing all symptoms and having been in close contact with a confirmed patient. So of course, Governor / Supreme Leader Kate Brown and her husband were both tested by the state lab, contrary to their own policies, when both had a head cold – about the 3rd week of March. (Update – Brown received at least two additional Covid-19 tests during the year at unknown times and also moved up in the Covid-19 vaccination schedule to “set an example” (of what, cutting in line?)

Covid-19 testing was not available to anyone – unless you were the Governor and her husband. At that time, the rules were you could not get a Covid-19 test unless:

  1. You were already admitted to a hospital with signs and symptoms of pneumonia.
  2. You were a resident of an elder care center, had signs and symptoms of Covid-19.
  3. You had known contact with a confirmed case and had symptoms (at that time, this applied primarily to health care workers and immediate family members of known cases).

While the Governor received special access, I could not get care in March for what by mid-May was determined to be a fracture in my left foot and a torn tendon. The Governor shut down all non-emergency non-life threatening health care in the state from mid March onwards. Car repair was ok, according to her Order, but seeking care for an as-yet unknown broken foot was prohibited. Yeah, that makes sense. And this certainly did not get my view of public health off on the right foot …

Kate “Wear a Mask” Brown lands back on this list a 2nd time in late 2021 for – no surprise – not wearing a mask.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford

After issuing orders not to visit with people outside your own household, Ontario Premier Doug Ford had his daughters (from separate households) over to visit on Mother’s Day, with more people present than allowed, in violation of Ontario directives. Because rules are for the little people – important people are qualified, he implied, to make their own decisions – unlike you peons.

Austria President Alexander Van der Bellen

Caught by police breaking curfew so he could go to a restaurant. Because elite. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kruz blew off masks days earlier – because elite.

German FDP party leader Christian Lindner

He was shown hugging others when hugging was prohibited. Yeah, hugging is illegal but not if you are important.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

Gathered with a large group and attended a ceremony – with no social distancing or wearing his government’s mandated face masks.

Polish PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyńskigets

Polish PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyńskigets breaks self-isolation mandated for everyone else – because he’s elite.

Judge Bill Gravell, Texas

In Texas, a Judge attends a birthday party in violation of HIS OWN lock down orders– chauffeured by a sheriff’s deputy, no less. He wrote the Order that threatened fines and jail time for those who left their own homes. When pictures appeared on social media, the Judge sought to have the photos removed, even though he had no authority to make that request. He apparently violated two other state laws, as well. But, you know, rules are for the little people. (As of mid-June, a special prosecutor was appointed to investigate this. As of November 2020, he was found guilty and fined $1000.)

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan

Gov. Whitmer of Michigan took part in protests, in violation of her own lock down orders. Because protesting is more important than fighting a virus.

Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, Doctor of Public Health

We know that protesting is more important than fighting a virus because Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, a public health doctor and influential expert at Johns Hopkins University said so:

This tweet by Dr Nuzzo was disappointing – I followed her before and after this tweet, I have read some of her published papers – she is a smart person who is far more often right, than wrong. But the above tweet was monumentally stupid.

After months of being told to Stay Home – Save Lives – Don’t Kill Grandma – the public health apparatus spun on a dime telling us to go out in mass crowds and protest – leading to hypocrisy in their Orders. Keep in mind, before this first week of June 2020 many of us live in areas where public parks were closed, police caution tape was wrapped around playgrounds, trail head parking lots were closed, USFS national forest roads were gated off – and we were ordered to stay inside our own homes – and if outside, cross the street away from others.

But protesting in mass crowds was, okay? This was the very day that Public Health’s entire credibility collapsed. Just like that, they admitted they make decisions based on politics, not ScienceTM. And thereafter, all of their decisions and Orders would become suspect.

1,288 public health “experts”

1,288 public health “experts” then signed an online petition (the petition was taken offline because it embarrassingly revealed public health as political operation, not based on science).

As long as you engage in mass demonstrations of the proper politically correct nature, attending potential mass super spreader events is encouraged by public health.

At this point, the love affair with following public health Orders was over with. There is no ScienceTM behind this – just politics, 24 x 7.

Contra Costa County Public Health

In Contra Costa County, California, public health decreed that outdoor social gatherings would be limited to 12 people but protests may have up to 100 people. Explain the science behind this? There is none. Politicized public health quacks made that up.

This is when I began referring to public health “experts” as quacks – because they admit they are making stuff up as they go along, having nothing to do with The ScienceTM. Public health Orders and pronouncements became a means to a political end (by the end of 2021, the goal appears to be Democratic Marxism – authoritarian rule by technocratic elite having credentials but not necessarily brain cells.)

Mayor London Breed, San Francisco

In California, Mayor London Breed, days after issuing an order that everyone wear a face mask within 30 feet of someone outdoors, appears at a protest event, without a mask, standing – touching shoulders – next to other speakers.

Oregon State Troopers Refuse to Wear Masks

In Oregon, on July 1st, a group of Oregon State Troopers refuse to wear face masks inside a coffee shop, despite the Governor’s mandate to wear face masks. They voiced highly disparaging comments about the mandate and said they would not comply.

Rep. TJ Cox, CA

CA Rep. TJ Cox (D) requested special permission for a personal visit to Yosemite National Park on the 4th of July. When his visit was denied (due to access restrictions limiting the number of visitors), he then re-applied and said it was for official business to make a video about a bill he had sponsored. The NPS then granted passes to him and his entourage. No such video subsequently appeared. It’s nice to be the elite, huh?

Bill Morneau, (now former) Finance Minister, Canada

In July, Canada’s Finance Minister had himself chauffeured between Ottawa and Toronto during lock down. Government officials in the UK and France similarly flouted the rules and expectations. In late September, after announcing more draconian lock down measures in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared on a video clip with 7 others – none of whom were wearing face masks. (Johnson would eventually be found to have flouted Covid rules on numerous occasions.)

City of San Francisco

San Francisco prohibited the opening of gyms and recreation centers as unsafe – while secretly re-opening city operated private gyms used by city employees, police and firefighters.

San Francisco closed churches for six months – limiting church attendance to a single individual allowed on premises at any time. In late September, the U.S. Department of Justice informed the city that these rules were unconstitutional as they treated churches differently than other businesses and activities. Two days later the city allowed churches to re-open with 25% of capacity attendance and distancing in effect.

Suzi Levine, Washington State Unemployment Fraud

In Washington State, hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent unemployment payments were issued by the state – the well-connected political appointee in charge of their unemployment program is still employed receiving a full salary – while unemployed state residents are delayed in getting compensation. She bought her way into the position by raising millions of dollars for her party’s (D) candidates. (This example isn’t specifically about Covid-19 orders – but is an example of how an elite is treated differently than the rest of us.)

Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Chicago

Chicago Mayor, after issuing a stay at home order, and blasting other city officials for taking vacation trips, then traveled to Maine for a vacation.

Mayor Jim Kenney, Philadelphia

Philadelphia Mayor, after banning indoor restaurants, travels to Maryland to eat out at a restaurant.

Margaret Ferrier, Member of Parliament

She was diagnosed with Covid-19 but traveled anyway: “Police announce investigation into SNP MP Margaret Ferrier over Covid trip from Scotland to Commons”

Stanley Johnson, Father of UK PM Boris Johnson

The father of the UK Prime Minister (who survived a severe case of Covid-19) went shopping without a face mask, ignoring UK Orders, while the Labor Leader attended a dinner party, in violation of rules.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, gets her hair done indoors at a San Francisco hair salon – without a face mask – in a city where all of that is banned by public health orders. She also got a blow dry, which is prohibited under their public health orders. Because eliteness. Rules are for the little people.

Her defense is that she did everything she understood to be correct – the ignorance of the law defense and then argued she thought she had been “set up”. Yep, that happens to all of us!

Sen. Diane Feinstein

She lobbied the FAA to make masks mandatory in airport terminals and on aircraft. She then was seen walking through a “private” (you know the drill – elite) air terminal in September at Dulles International – without wearing a mask. Masks have been mandatory at the airport since May, 2020.

Feinstein also appeared at a Senate hearing, and in a hallway on November 16th without wearing a mask. She had been lobbying for mandatory masks since July.

Donald Trump, Buffoon

Trump appears to routinely ignore most of the rules regarding Covid-19 but he does not encourage those rules either. In early October, he was diagnosed with Covid-19, airlifted to a hospital and received two experimental therapies and other medications, just like any of us would have received on our $2,000/month premium, $11,500 deductible ACA insurance policies!

While still contagious at the hospital, he went for a short jaunt in a Secret Service chauffeured enclosed vehicle, putting all of them into quarantine. He then returned to the White House and removed his face mask – as I understand it, he was outdoors and away from others – but still. He then issued a Tweet saying Covid-19 is no big deal. I’d need a larger blog to cover the idiocy on this.

Update Jan 1, 2021: While the rest of us are confined to home and told not to travel – take a look at who traveled to and attended Trump’s New Years Eve party (Trump and Melania did not attend but plenty of self-important people did attend – without masks too!)

Corey Lewandowski, Chief Advisor to the President

Trump’s advisor, Corey Lewandowski was to self-quarantine but went to a kids’ sporting event without a mask because rules are for the peons, not important people like him.

Portland City Council Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty

Refused to comply with Lyft requirement that windows be kept slightly open for ventilation due to Covid-19 restrictions with driver and riders sitting closely together in a vehicle. She called 9-1-1 to ask for police assistance (in Vancouver, WA) even though she has supported defunding the police in Portland.

Weird situation.

Disclosure: I sat next to her on a Portland MAX light rail trip and had a good conversation with her about homeless and mental illness problems in Portland and was impressed with her.

Lori Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot tells city to stay at home for 30 days, cancel Thanksgiving plans and puts 10-person limit on gatherings due to COVID-19 spike – days after she joined crowds celebrating Biden’s win.

Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington DC

After mandating at 14-day quarantine for entering the city from any of 46 U.S. states, or for anyone leaving the city and returning, she travels off to a mass crowd event to celebrate Biden’s election win. Upon return she does not quarantine nor get the mandated negative coronavirus test and declares herself “an essential worker” exempt from her own rules.

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

Attends a birthday party with multiple households (12 people) and too many in attendance, in violation of his own Order prohibiting such gatherings. Because rules – which are not based in actual science anyway (see link)- are for the little people, not big important people like the Governor. Afterward his staff argued the event complied with the rules – because, whatever – Newsom later issued a statement acknowledging that it violated the rules.

And the party was for a lobbyist – a lobbyist who a short time earlier blasted someone else on social media – for holding a birthday party. The arrogance is off scale.

After the party, Newsom further responded by re-locking down nearly the entire state and closing all restaurants. Reminiscent of NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio working out at a gym before closing all gyms later in the day.

UPDATE: It gets worse. The party was basically indoors and it seems no one had a mandated face mask. (They’ve called it an outdoor seating venue but see update below.) California’s top medical lobbyists were in attendance. By now you’ve seen the trend play out – the rules do not apply to the elite, who have no skin in this game. We should not question any of this, of course, because peons should shut up.

UPDATE: It gets worse. One of the Governor’s children came in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 at a private school. Almost all schools in California have been closed by the Governor’s orders – except the private school his kids attend.

UPDATE: Eventually his entire family had to go into quarantine including his Royal Highness.

UPDATE: A reporter says there were 22 people in attendance at the dinner party, not 12, as originally claimed. It was held inside, not outside, as originally claimed. There may also have been up to 20 additional California highway patrol security officers in the vicinity too.

UPDATE: In 2020, during Newsom’s lockdown Orders for California, his wife’s parents moved from California to … Florida. Mostly weird.

Nancy Pelosi and Members of Congress

November 13, 2020 – because Members of Congress are far more important than you and I, where all restaurants are now closed.

Tootie Smith, Chair, Clackamas County Commissioners

Screen capture from the Oregonian on 11/17/2020. Chair of the Clackamas County Commissioners says she will not comply with public health directives concerning household Thanksgiving activities. Considering that by now, no one else in a position of power cares, I guess we should side with her on this to be in the majority?

Legislators from 3 states head to Maui for multi-day Conference (Nov 17, 2020)

California lawmakers [plus 3 other states] head to Maui with lobbyists despite pandemic travel warnings

Maui has stay-at-home directives in effect, a suspension of all local government meetings, and a limit of ten people gathering at any event. The lawmaker’s event will host about 100 people. Because shut up you peon!

Two of the states have a travel advisory in effect asking those traveling back home to quarantine for 14 days. Do you think any of them will self-quarantine for 14 days? Doubtful. They are “essential workers”.

California is simultaneously locking down nearly the entire state and is considering imposing a state-wide curfew (the virus primarily spreads at night!) – but not for the elite! Shut up you peon!

Did you know the elite can’t use Zoom? It’s in their genes. Duh!

Remember, pandemic rules are only for the little people! The virus itself knows if you are a little person or an elite!

Update – their behavior is the definition of nomenklatura.

Thanksgiving at the White House

While everyone has been told not to travel, stay at home, and do not invite anyone over for Thanksgiving, the White House will host an indoor Thanksgiving reception.

Andrew Cuomo, Governor New York

After telling everyone to stay home and definitely do not invite others to dinner, guess who invited others to dinner?

After an outpouring of outrage on social media, Gov. Cuomo backed off the family get together. Peons, know your place! (He later resigned in disgrace.)

ABC TV Reporter takes off face mask once cameras are off

Face masks are for show and virtue signaling. In an enclosed room full of people, ABC national TV White House reporter Jonathan Karl removes his mask once the cameras are turned off.

MSNBC National TV News Reporter Cal Perry Feigns Outrage of People Not Wearing Masks

An MSNBC TV reporter feigns outrage over the lack of mask wearing – outdoors while most of his own crew had no mask.

His fake news broadcast, from last May 2020, was recorded on a smart phone by a third party.

Not one “elite” believes in the nonsense they are peddling to the rest of us. Not. One.

Oregon Politician – Dr. Sharon Meieran

Just as the Governor issued a travel advisory asking that people stay home and avoid travel, and plan to quarantine for 14 days upon arriving back in Oregon – a bunch of politicians flew off to Hawaii and Mexico.

One of the politicians is an ER physician. She tweeted, from her vacation spot in Hawaii:At this point we need to go back to staying home.” What arrogance. Rules are for the little people not big important essential elite! So shut up stupid peon!

She’s a member of the Multnomah County Commissioners, the County that includes Portland, Oregon. Note the location specified on her tweet – she is too stupid to realize what she just did.

She argued she left for Hawaii on Nov 10th when she said it was no big deal. Yet her husband flew out on about Nov 17th, after travel restrictions were issued. But it’s okay – he’s an ER physician too and doctors are immune to all infectious diseases and don’t need to follow protocols and State rules! Rules are for the little people.

Arrogantly, she gave an interview – from Hawaii – on or before November 12th, in which she called for a mandatory lock down of the citizens of Oregonapparently she was aware by Nov 12th of the rise in cases that she denied had existed on November 10th. Dr. Meieran appears to be lying (just look at the state’s epicurve – cases were exploding starting in October).

But it’s okay, she said, because she wore “2 masks” on the flight. And she’s a doctor: That was her excuse – she is a doctor and you are not – so shut up peon:

She defended her decision from a medical point of view.

She is an MD and she said she looked into all the mitigating factors and felt it was a safe option at the time.

The message here is that you are not qualified to make this judgement as to safety but she is a doctor and is fully qualified to violate the rules – so shut up, you idiot plebeian!

Her argument is if you are a qualified member of the elite, then you can carefully evaluate and mitigate the risks, thus the rules are not necessary. In other words, we can, in fact, re-open bars, restaurants, gyms, parks, schools, day care, the Zoo and numerous other venues – as long as we carefully evaluate the risks. Oh wait, not “we” but just “elite” people can evaluate the risks.

Yet, as the Oregonian notes, her entire focus for eight months has been a heavy-handed command-and-control closure of everything (Democratic Marxism) – because the government knows best. Know your place you worthless peon!

And while vacationing in Hawaii, Dr. Meieran advocated a total lock up of the state’s citizens. After the trip, she appears to lie about her understanding of the situation on November 10 – giving an interview on or before Nov 12th, from Hawaii – advocating a total lock down.

I found Dr. Meireran’s arrogance triggering – and I will vent – she lied and is an arrogant fool who has no business being a public official. She comes across as an arrogant jerk who disdains the plebeians. She seems oblivious to the immense damage her own actions have given to the entire field of health care and public health “experts”.

Check out the actual case counts (Green line) on Nov 10th (my chart from OHA data – click on image for larger size). And check out the green line on about Nov 17th, when her husband flew out.

As a Multnomah County Commissioner, she no longer has credibility. None. At. All. She appears to have lied about her own activities and should resign (but won’t).

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock

DENVER — Denver Mayor Michael Hancock flew to Mississippi Wednesday to have Thanksgiving with his wife and daughter at his daughter’s home after pleading with Denverites not to travel for the holiday if possible.

In fact, on the day of his flying out of state, he was tweeting out directions to the peons: “Host virtual gatherings instead of in-person dinners. Avoid travel, if you can.”

He literally issued a sob story to explain his actions – saying his daughter had recently taken a job out of state. Yeah, me too – except us peons are staying home unlike big self-important asshole jerks like him.

Is there any reason at all why anyone is following directions from the elite to stay home, save lives, quarantine, do not travel? I can’t think of a single reason to continue complying with any public health orders.

Windsor (Ontario, Canada) Mayor Drew Dilkins

Violates his own Order on group size gatherings at a restaurant just hours after saying his city would have a “zero tolerance approachfor Covid-19 rule violations. The Mayor called it “an unfortunate error on my part”. No, this was not an error Mayor. This was an arrogant elitist who knows rules don’t apply to him – he’s sorry someone took a photo. The rules and dates of enforcement were his own – blaming ignorance of the rules he promoted doesn’t work.

From a comment to that news story: “Isn’t this about the 1,000th elected official on this planet who have told us to isolate and then got caught partying like it’s 1999?”

Yes. But add a few more zeroes to that number.

Naperville IL Mayor Steve Cherico

Is outed by his own niece for hypocrisy. Days after threatening his constituents with a face mask mandate (his state recommends everyone wear a face mask already), the Mayor left his state (which discourages travel) and flew to Florida to attend his daughter’s out of state wedding with 53 other guests without wearing face masks. He argued this was okay (including not wearing masks) because the event was held outdoors and there was no face mask mandate in Florida. Illinois has a statewide face mask recommendation, and travel to regions with high incidence (which includes Florida) is discouraged.

While Illinois does not yet restrict travel, the city of Chicago has a mandatory quarantine on arrivals from almost all U.S. states. Ten days earlier, the state issued strict new rules for businesses in the state.

There is a pattern here – each of these hypocrites found their situation was “essential” – but if you or I had the same excuses we would be violating orders.

Public health is a sham perpetrated on all of us, apparently.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo

California had directives on not hosting guests over Thanksgiving. The week before, the Mayor publicly told people to stay home and said he would be staying home with his immediate household family.

And then on Thanksgiving, he instead went to his elderly parents’ home with unknown number of other families and guests.

When questioned about this discrepancy between the Mayor’s actions and the rules, his staff replied:

“This is a private event – not public,” said Jim Reed, Liccardo’s Chief of Staff.  “We are going to redraw the line between what is personal and what is public because that line has become blurred.”

There you have it – the rules do not apply to “private events” in your own home! Especially if you are the Mayor – so stay in your place peon!

Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl

Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuelh, mere hours after voting to ban outdoor dining at restaurants – went off to eat dinner at an outdoor restaurant.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois

Governor acknowledged his family has been traveling to and from Florida and Wisconsin last spring but argues the travel complied with the rules (that he was responsible for issuing) and travel to Wisconsin was to care for a family farm which is defined as an “essential service”.

In his case, he may have complied with the rules but the optics were bad. In October, Pritzker threatened to issue “stiff penalties” against restaurants that did not comply with his authoritarian Orders that they be put out of business.

Not one politician or public health official saw their own hours cut, wages cut, job eliminated – or even a change in their own behavior – as the result of their own Orders illustrating their elite attitude towards the hoi polloi.

Entire Indiana Legislature

After the state mandates the wearing of face masks everywhere, the Legislature then exempts itself from the mandate.

You see, the Governor’s Executive Orders, by law, do not apply to the Legislative branch – so the legislators noted they are more important than the hoi polloi – so off with your heads peons!

San Francisco Mayor London Breed

Attended a birthday party – the night after Gavin Newsom, at the same restaurant, also violating the guidelines (but not the rules in effect at the time). 3 days later, she banned all indoor restaurant dining in her own jurisdiction: “I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that everyone act responsibly to reduce the spread of the virus

Update – after initially defending her nonsensical party attendance, she came under fire and has kind of apologized for being an idiot using the now standard wording “I need to hold myself to a higher standard and I will do better” (which is what they all say after being caught).

I’m so old I remember back in September when the CDC said eating at restaurants was very risky – literally doubling your risk of getting Covid-19. (I have since learned that the CDC cherry picks data, makes things up, and generally publishes total crap in their MMWR. Total garbage. Hence, I no longer trust what they say.)

Austin Texas Mayor Steve Adler

Attends his daughter’s wedding and reception (outdoors) with 20 guests, apparently none wore face masks, and then the next day, flies by private jet with 7 members of the wedding party to the family’s condo in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. While there, he posts a video to Facebook threatening Austin Texas residents with lockdowns:

We need to stay home if you can. This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. … We may have to close things down if we are not careful.”

After being caught, he defends his actions by saying they did not violate the Orders in effect at the time and …. he consulted with medical experts such as his public health director on how to hold the wedding and travel safely. The wedding photographer flew in from Seattle. The next day after the wedding, his public health director told others not to go to restaurants and not to travel.

“If you’re going out to a restaurant, go out with your family, the people who live in your household, not with family and friends outside your household and start to decrease those travels outside of your home that are not necessary.”

That’s Oregon’s Dr. Sarah Meieran defense – the elite can ignore the guidelines because they are “experts” or can consult “experts” on how to safely violate official guidance and Orders. As to you, well, tough shit you miserable peon! You are worthless pieces of shit that knows nothing and deserve nothing!


Massachusetts beat California to adopting curfews. But Massachusetts went even further mandating wearing a face mask at all times outdoors, even if hiking alone on a forest trail. There is no science to support curfews or the wearing of face masks outdoors when distant from others. And you wonder why no one believes a fucking word from public health “experts”?

When their directives are arbitrary, not based on facts, logic or evidence, there is no reason for anyone to listen to elite experts. Indeed, the elite do not listen to themselves. The words Trust ScienceTM have evolved to mean you are being lied to. I sure as hell no longer trust make-believe Science.

European Politicians and Diplomats Attend Sex Party

Cannot make this up – at least one European parliament member and several diplomats and others attended a large sex party in Belgium, in direct violation of lock down orders. The country has had very strict lockdown orders in effect and the activities at this party were strictly prohibited. There’s some other irregularities with this one.

New York Democratic Leaders

Democratic leadership, in a state run by Democrats, under Democrat written health Orders and restrictions – meets for a party last week in a private residence and ignores all the rules. While simultaneously telling us to dine alone for Thanksgiving. The party exceeded the state’s indoor gathering size limit.

One of the elite is an outspoken face mask enthusiast – for everyone else – and did not wear a face mask for the illegal party. Rules are for the plebeians you peon – so shut up!

More on this fiasco, here.

New York Young Republican Event

Held at a restaurant in New Jersey, the event appeared to violate rules, and was held in New Jersey to likely evade stricter rules in New York. In this case, the organizer made clear he did not support any of the rules – not quite the same as making the rules and then ignoring them. But still.

Journalists: The Elite.

The news media is filled – over flowing – with journalists writing that people must work from home and avoid all travel and contact. Journalists are themselves members of the elite laptop class – and among the elite workers who can do most of their work from home. But there are many workers who cannot work from home – at all. They are furloughed or laid off, lose income, and put their family’s health and housing at risk. Journalists don’t care about these people as they promote the narrative and publish incoherent and inconsistent messaging: Stay Home. Save Lives. Go Protest.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, about 70% of all workers are “essential”. About 50% are involved in work that must be done “on site” and cannot be done at home. That’s right – to keep society functioning, half of all workers need to go to work.

Executives, Sports Celebrities and Entertainment Staff Exempt from Quarantine Rules

Good grief – this is the very definition of a class-based society – and now its formalized in England:

Senior company executives, elite sportspeople, and television production staff are among those travelers who will be exempt from COVID-19 quarantine restrictions for international arrivals in England, the government has announced.


“From 4 a.m. on Sat 5th Dec high-value business travelers will no longer need to self-isolate when returning to ENGLAND from a country NOT in a travel corridor, allowing more travel to support the economy and jobs. Conditions apply,” transport secretary Grant Shapps said on Twitter”

As one politician put it, “I hope the virus has been made aware of the rules and keeps well away from them.” illustrating the complete lack of evidence to support this exemption.

Peon, know your place! You are a “non-essential” worker, the dregs of society. Remember, always listen to official guidance of “public health experts”! They know what is best for those with tiny little minds! If we are lucky, you stupid peons will die of Covid-19 – long hail the elites!

Hollywood Elite are Exempt from California’s lock down 2.0 rules

California exempted movie, film and television production from their strict lock down rules and curfew. Meanwhile, hypocrite Hollywood celebrities put out social media propaganda pieces urging everyone else to stay home and wear a mask. While they head off to work and eat catered restaurant style meals at private catering facilities while the immediately adjacent restaurants are closed for everyone else.

Mark Zuckerburg, CEO, Facebook

Unlike those of us under house arrest, Mark Zuckerburg is off playing in Hawaii – apparently making multiple trips to a state with hyper strict travel restrictions. Turns out he owns about half the state so is presumably exempt from the rules that apply to us peons. Yet again, the elite have “immunity” from Covid-19 rules.

Jack Dorsey, CEO, Twitter

Unlike those of us under house arrest, Jack Dorsey is jetting around the world to exotic vacation destinations all through 2020 and into 2021. He lives in a state (California) that has strict travel advisories in effect. However, apparently by law, the elite are exempt from the travel restrictions imposed on the rest of us. And they don’t even need to wear useless cloth facial coverings when traveling on private jets! (Update: he largely moved to his own island in the South Pacific and commutes back via his carbon producing private jet.)

By March 2021, the CDC says we should be wearing two masks – to insure a tight seal. But Dorsey’s mammoth beard precludes that tight seal. Indeed, OSHA rules require removing beards when wearing an N95 respirator is required. So will Jack Dorsey shave his beard?

That point also illustrates the stupidity of telling everyone to wear N95 masks in 2022 – they fucking don’t work if you’ve got a beard! But the public health quacks won’t tell you that, giving you a false sense of security by wearing a near useless face mask because of your beard.

White House Staff

The White House staff, which has mismanaged the entire pandemic, has held numerous parties and events, generally giving all of us the finger while we hide in isolation in our homes – will receive the Pfizer vaccine during the first few days of its availability in the 3rd week of December 2021. The rest of us will have to wait, likely, until the summer of 2021.

Know your place, peon! We do, we do know our place now.

Update: Trump surprised everyone and actually acted Presidential and canceled the staff vaccinations saying they will have to wait.

Oregon Secretary of State (as of 2021) Shemia Fagan

In open violation of Oregon’s current “Lock down 2.0” or “Freeze”, Fagan held a large multi-house hold party(More here) violating the rules against multiple households, more than six people, and no one wore a face mask. Caught on camera by a neighbor.

Have you noticed a pattern yet? Not one elite rule maker believes in their own damn rules.

2023: As Secretary of State for Oregon, Fagan worked as a consultant to a marijuana company while simultaneously regulating the industry. When you are self important like Fagan, there are no ethical concerns!

Sky News Anchor Kay Burley

“Sky News presenter Kay Burley and a host of her colleagues are being branded hypocrites for flouting Covid-19 restrictions for the anchorwoman’s 60th birthday party after spending months chastising others about breaking the rules.

Burley and several of her Sky colleagues including Beth Rigby, Inzamam Rashid and Sam Washington were in a group of 10 people that attended the presenter’s milestone birthday bash at the Century Club in Soho, London, on Saturday night.

While the glamorous gathering appeared to break the UK’s ‘rule of six’, the group tried to get around the coronavirus restrictions by spanning across two separate tables at the swanky establishment.”

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice

WV Governor is first in line to get a Covid-19 vaccination, claiming he wants to demonstrate its safety. His staff also received vaccinations today, day #1 of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout.

The state won’t have enough vaccines to innoculate all health care workers until sometime in January.

But the self important, self entitled elitists have theirs!

Movie Director Oliver Stone

Another elitist – as of December 16th, Stone reports he has been vaccinated. In Russia. Where just 320,000 doses of their Sputnik V vaccine have been distributed so far. Because he’s important.

Note – actor Ian McKellen has also received a vaccination but at age 81, he is in the prioritized group to receive a vaccination first. But not Oliver Stone.

I expect 100% of the elitists will have been vaccinated in the next 2-3 months, while us peons wait until 2H 2021.

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo

Days after telling residents to “Please, stay home except for essential activities & wear a mask anytime you’re with people you don’t live with“, Gina Raimondo showed up a wine bar, with out a face mask. Here’s the Kinsa Health Weather information, saved on 12-17-2020 for Rhode Island – Covid situation “Critical”.

Many people I know are feeling sorry for the economic devastation being done to restaurants – yet feel for safety reasons that restaurants should be closed.

But where would the elite go if we forced all restaurants to close? Obviously, some restaurants must remain open to serve the needs of the elite, the politicians and the public health officials that tell us we must not eat at restaurants! Duh!

Biden has since nominated her to be Secretary of Commerce. Because she’s elite and so shut up you peon.

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski

New Jersey doctor and social media celebrity told his six million followers to wear masks, even outside, to practice social distancing and think carefully about traveling.

He flew from New York to Miami and was photographed hanging out on a boat with 14 people, and no one wearing masks. Photos showed the group in direct physical contact with one another. He claimed he only removed his mask to go swimming, although public photos show he was lying about that. Arrogant much?

Are you catching on yet? Health “experts” do not follow their own recommendations. Ever.

Actor Tom Cruise (sort of but not in the way the media reported)

Tom objected to production staff not adhering to Covid-safe guidelines, apparently losing his temper and threatening to fire people. His concerns seem valid – that staff behavior might get their production shut down, and then numerous people would be out of work – not just on his production but on other movie sets too. His comments to staff may have been justified and I understand why he may have been frustrated –that behavior is not the purpose of this post.

It was decided he needed time off (he is both lead actor and producer and is known to work incredibly hard). He flew his private jet from Italy back to the United States. This, during a time when the general public is currently mostly prohibited from traveling between the U.S. and Europe. He, however, is an elite – and movie making is “essential”.

I get why he complained – and to some extent this one is a media creation, not his fault – but he does enjoy the privilege of being an elite who can travel via private jet between the U.S. and Europe – while travel is banned for the rest of us.

Lockdown “Karens” Who Use Home Delivery

There’s a large contingent of people who let us know they are terrified of Covid-19 and are angry that people are out and about and not staying at home. They loudly scream we should have a TOTAL LOCKDOWN. LOCK DOWNS WORK! LOCK DOWN NOW!

They tell us this as they make extensive use of home delivery and curbside pickup services without a hint of irony that they are using their own wealth privilege to outsource their risk to the young and lower paid who keep “essential services” functioning. Indeed, I have seen social media posts from lockdown Karen’s saying they are using “home delivery” services for food and shopping – and this is why we should have lock downs!

This is the classic example of privilege, typically wealth privilege and usually “white wealth privilege”.

Everyone should be under lock down – EXCEPT MY SERVANTS!

“Karens” are oblivious that a “lockdown” still requires many people to work (probably about 50%) and work at relatively high-risk occupations. A delivery person has to not only work at the grocery store, but must also visit numerous homes every day, potentially adding to their own risk exposure.

“Karens” are oblivious that our modern economy is highly interconnected and dependent on others. We are unable to shut everything down without causing other harms, even deaths. Just consider food, for one example. Most communities have no more than 3 days’ worth of food on inbound transportation, in warehouses, distribution centers or stores. We cannot shut that down without people starving.

“Lockdowns” are for the protection of the elite. By now we know that public health mitigations have been a failure. 9 months into the pandemic, after “lock downs”, “freezes”, social distancing, face masks, business and school closures, the daily number of new cases is now ten or more times greater than just months ago. Public health mitigations were a failure. But Karen wants us to do more of them. (Update: In late 2021, Australia and NZ acknowledged that ZeroCovid was not possible, would no longer be pursued, and that widespread, long term lock downs were not sustainable.)

All these mitigations did was delay and prolong the pandemic. Given time, most everywhere has similar eventual outcomes, in spite of, not because of, public health measures. (The island nations of AU and NZ did postpone until vaccines were available, mostly. However, as WHO notes in 2019, only island nations have ever successfully implemented this strategy.)

Dr. Deborah Birx

Dr. Birx is (was) head of the White House Task Force on the coronavirus.

After telling all of us to stay home, not travel and not meet with families for Thanksgiving – can you guess what she did? (Hint: all of the above).

She traveled to her vacation home in Delaware, met up with her extended family from multiple households.

And then argued that her life situation required this – the sob story:

‘My daughter hasn’t left that house in 10 months, my parents have been isolated for 10 months,’ she continued.

Oh, it’s worse once you see the full quote:

“My parents stopped eating and drinking because they were so depressed,” the 64-year-old complained to Newsy.

“My daughter hasn’t left that house in 10 months, my parents have been isolated for 10 months. They’ve become deeply depressed,” Birx said of the need to “recover from the trauma of the last 10 months.”

She recognizes her own Orders are not workable – but openly ignores her own Orders and argues her situation was special, unlike yours. You, you miserable peon, should stay home in isolation. Your mental health and depression is not relevant.

Dr. Birx lied, claiming the group was not from multiple households. As one Twitter user noted, it’s really tough for the elite to limit themselves to visiting only one of their many homes…

Note also the pattern repeated over and over again with the “sob story”: “my situation is special” while condemning us if we did the same.

Apparently not one public health “expert” believes in their own orders. These assholes are oblivious to how this looks to anyone with functioning brain cells. Dr. Birx deserves all the condemnation she has received so far – and more. The arrogance and stupidity is off scale.

Dr. Birx has announced she will retire due to the public scrutiny she received for being a hypocrite.

In November, public health officials told us to continue being “disciplined about distancing” during the holidays, to “hang on, the vaccine is around the corner. Just do it. It’s not that hard. ” Unless you are a fucking public health expert and then its a sob story that grants you, but not us non-essential, worthless dumb shits, an exemption from your own rules.

Update March 2021: Dr. Birx is now doing the talk show circuit saying how Trump could have saved “hundreds of thousands of lives” if only he had listened to the “experts”. May be we could have saved lots of lives if arrogant public health experts like Dr. Birx didn’t violate their own lock down restrictions and then lie about it? Hypocrite.

Update August 2022: Dr. Birx has written a book. I have not read it. I have read some reviews. She admits to lying to the President, she admits to seeking rules and mandates for which she had no supporting evidence. She defines arrogant technocratic elite asshole, by her own actions.

Members of Congress

Young, healthy woman steps to front of line to be vaccinated against coronavirus before health care workers – while you, you sniveling little peon – must wait until late summer. Know your place peon!

Lots of Congressional members were posting similar items to their social media – not realizing the public relations fiasco they have created.

At least one Senator figured this PR fiasco out:

Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang was a lawyer and CEO of a sort-of tech’ish company who parlayed that into running in the Democratic Primary. I’m so old, I remember when the thought of forcing people to wear a Star of David armband and tattooing their ID number on their arm was called Nazism.

Many people recognize serious problems with “immunity passports“. But this goes beyond Yang’s understanding, unfortunately.

If you think the armband analogy is in bad taste, a county in Montana required non-residents to wear a pink armband to identify themselves as being from out of county.

Hospital Administrators

This past week, Stanford University hospital administrators were first in the queue to get vaccinated. Until a huge uproar from staff, and then they backed off. Stanford administrators blamed “the algorithm”. The algorithm took into account age – but not exposure to patients with Covid-19. Thus, young doctors (almost all the doctors in the hospital) treating Covid patients were excluded while ancient Administrators hiding behind spreadsheets and email were given priority (because they were older).

My local hospital monopoly, St Charles Medical Center, did not back off, however, as seen in these comments posted on the KTVZ news web site:

Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

Breaks her own face mask law by hanging out in a pub, talking to elderly, without even a pretense of wearing a face mask. She admitted to having “no excuses” for breaking her own rules. .

You also know that when caught doing this once, they’ve undoubtedly been doing it for months.

Also realize that for every one of the public officials caught, there are probably dozens more doing the same thing.

St. Clair County IL Director of Emergency Management Herb Simmons

Publicly, in his job, he preaches the company line about how dangerous Covid-19 is and you must follow the rules. Privately, off the job, he runs a wrestling promotion, hangs out with groups of people, neither social distancing nor wearing face masks.

When caught at it, he said he had actually moved his side business to Tennessee where the rules are more relaxed – and gave the usual dumbass sob story that his situation is special. In other words, he does not believe in his own rules that apply to everyone else. In his situation, there is no accountability for his actions – because rules are for the little peons like us.

Meanwhile, small businesses in his jurisdiction are going bankrupt and he doesn’t give a damn.

Gov. Tate Reeves, Mississippi

As over 2,000 positive test cases are added daily to the state’s count, Gov. Tate Reeves attended a Christmas party at his taxpayer provided mansion. No one wore masks or maintained six foot spacing, outdoors. No idea what went on indoors.

One day later, he issued an executive Order requesting that residents follow the CDC and MS Department of Health guidelines – all of which he ignored.

Belleville Mayor Mark Eckert, Illinois

In spite of a ban on eating inside restaurants in Illinois, Mayor Mark Eckert drove across the border to the nearby city of St Louis (about 15 miles away) where he and his wife dined inside. Rather than supporting the closed take out only restaurants in his own town.

Of course.

Texas Public Health Officials

Texas public health officials have taken their own time to roll out vaccines, even when they had them on hand – and as of Dec 23, 2020, “a significant portion of vaccine in Texas may not be administered yet“.

Williamson County Public Health, in Texas, received 900 doses of vaccine on Wednesday but then promptly closed down operations until the Saturday after Christmas.

I am so old, I remember when Covid-19 was a public health emergency for which we needed to put everyone out of work, close schools, ruin our children’s education – and remind us every day of the daily body count. Now that a solution is at hand, public health says let’s delay for a few more days. Guess that emergency thing wasn’t true, huh?

It took a County Judge – heh – Judge Bill Gravell, cited above for having violated his own health Orders – to publicize this failure of his county’s public health organization.

Related: In Oregon, the state’s OHA public health stopped updating the Covid-19 data on the weekend, starting in June 2020. We went from this was a terrible disease to ho hum. And Oregon vaccinated a whopping 11 people on Christmas day, and on Dec 24th, 26th and 27th, just 25% of what it did the days before and after. Because – because emergencies take the holidays off, of course!

Mark Poloncarz

While other ice-skating rinks were closed due to Covid-19, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz was photographed shooting pucks at a hockey rink with 14 others. For unclear reasons, Erie County Health Department had shut down scrimmages at some rinks but possibly not at all of them… then again, Poloncarz said he was alone even though video showed otherwise. He was caught telling a lie.

This one is mostly just dumb and not as egregious as many others on this page.

Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips

The Ontario government told residents not to travel. So of course, he being an elite, traveled to a Caribbean island. Upon return he was forced to resign. The Ontario Premier previously ignored his own rules as well, and did nothing about this – even though he knew about it – until the story went public.

He traveled to St. Bart island, which is short for St. Barthelemy. Arrivals must be tested on or before entry, and again on their 8th day of stay. If the test result is positive, the visitor must quarantine in private lodging at their own expense. The US CDC’s advisory says “Travelers should avoid all nonessential travel” to the island (the advisory is not dated – that is what it says on Dec 31st 2020) – upon return, you must get tested in 3-5 days AND stay at home for 7 days. If not tested, you must stay at home for 10 days.

Ontario, previously the location of a cherry picked “study proves face mask work” paper published on September 24th but then saw case counts massively escalate after the study data was collected and went into full lock down in December. Literally, 2 days after their cherry-picked data series ended – proving masks worked – cases exploded in number and continued skyward for months. Can you say “let’s cherry pick the time frame to prove our point?” That’s how public health fake science works!

But hey, it’s okay since no one obeys the Ontario orders anyway.

Chicago Teachers Union Executive Board Member Sarah Chambers

While advocating on social media that schools in Chicago must be kept closed for safety reasons, she was simultaneously posting photos of herself vacationing in Puerto Rico, a Covid-19 hot spot, and violating her city’s travel guidance.

The City of Chicago has an emergency travel order in effect. Anyone arriving from 48 U.S. states is required to both quarantine for 10 days or get a mandatory Covid-19 test prior to arrival. The City of Chicago says ALL TRAVEL SHOULD BE AVOIDED and specifically lists Puerto Rico as a place not to travel to.

Unless you are an elite member of the Chicago Teachers Union Executive Board and a vice president of the organization. Rules don’t apply to you, only to the little peons.

(This item is not about whether schools should re-open or not – this is about the idiocy of claiming safety/fear issues about schools re-opening while simultaneously traveling to a Covid-19 “hot spot” in warm sunny weather, and while there, telling everyone else that schools are unsafe.)

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio (New Years Eve)

Hamilton County Health Department (Tennessee)

A public health run vaccination clinic administering doses to qualified individuals, including those age 75+, closed access early saying the supply of vaccine was becoming limited. They then distributed the remaining vaccine to friends and family members of the staff that were administering the vaccines.

The Mayor blamed it on a miscalculation and that they wanted to ensure none went to waste. So instead it went to friend and family’s of the public health elite.

Qualified individuals who waited long in line were turned away.

Because elite have privilege…

British MP Margaret Ferrier

“A British MP has been arrested and charged by police after she travelled hundreds of miles across the UK despite testing positive for coronavirus. Margaret Ferrier was suspended by the Scottish National Party after her journey came to light, but has so far ignored calls to resign as an MP. The MP had travelled between Glasgow and London twice while suffering from symptoms of coronavirus.”

In a new twist, Ferrier blamed SARS-CoV-2 for her actions, as it caused her to “act out of character” 🙂 Is there anything Covid-2 can’t do?

Patrick Allen, Director, Oregon Health Authority

In the midst of what we have been repeatedly told is an all-out emergency, with at its peak, 40 million out of work, schools closed, businesses going bankrupt, people denied health care and forced to stay home … when time came to roll out vaccines, they took Christmas weekend and New Year’s Eve weekend off from administering vaccine doses.

Click on the image to enlarge. Vaccinations plummeted at Christmas and New Years and remain way, way, way below the numbers that are needed.

The Governor had to intervene and order OHA to have a plan in place to administer 12,000 doses per day within two weeks. Many noticed that, for 2-dose vaccines, this means 70% of Oregon residents will be vaccinated by about April of 2022. I am not kidding – that’s how the simple math works out.

Many in Oregon are noticing OHA’s incompetence – even the state’s largest newspaper.

The OHA said there is nothing that a pile of bureaucracy cannot accelerate:

The state’s 27-member Vaccine Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Oregon Health Authority and the governor. The first of what’s expected to be six or seven meetings is Thursday.

Seriously – that means 6 to 7 weeks before they might have their next set of recommendations. For a committee that was not even set up until days ago. Yet these folks had months to put this together. Other states, in fact, had these advisory meetings completed months ago. (Update: The VAC descended into a clown show, unable to recommend vaccines as safe after their first meeting. Then they recommended all BIPOC get first priority, in violation of law. Ultimately, their recommendations were largely ignored. A fucking clown show.)

These public health quacks have had months to prepare for this. Instead, they talk about how they ran into speed bumps and what not – yet in Washington County, UTAH, their public health ran influenza vaccination clinics last fall as a trial run of the procedures they would need to roll out Covid-19 vaccinations. They figured out how to plan and pilot test months in advance. Oregon? Oregon attended meetings and talked about how great and wonderful Oregon would be eventually.

It’s time for those who proclaim this is an emergency to act like it is an emergency.

Huge number of Canadian Parliament Members travel abroad, violating government guidance

13 or 14 members of Parliament traveled abroad on holiday vacations at Christmas time – in spite of government guidance that no one should be traveling unless it is absolutely essential. Stay Home! Save Lives! Unless you are an elite! Because Hawaii beckons!

“Now, government leaders across Canada must wait to see whether the backlash against the politicians who did travel over the holidays leads to more Canadians bucking public health advice and venturing beyond their homes and workplaces. Trudeau pleaded with Canadians Tuesday to stay the course, despite their frustrations with jet-setting government leaders.”

Police in Canada began arresting ordinary peons who merely had 2 families – six people – get together for New Year’s Eve.

Canadian Government officials and their “essential itineraries”

  • Rod Phillips, St Barts, vacation
  • Niki Ashton, Greece (likely legitimately essential but many others with similar situations chose not to travel)
  • Sameer Zuberi, Delaware (possibly essential)
  • Pierre Arcand, Barbados, vacation
  • Youri Chassin, Peru (family visit of the type the rest of us have not pursued)
  • Joe Hargrave, California, probably a vacation
  • Tracy Allard, Hawaii (resigned) (explaining it was a long standing family tradition – you see, family traditions are ok for the elite, just not you). Albertans had been told not to do any non-essential travel. Hawaii is “essential” you know.
  • Jeremy Nixon, Hawaii, vacation (resigned)
  • Pat Rehn, Mexico, vacation
  • Tanya Fir, United States (family visit)
  • Jason Stephan, Arizona, vacation
  • Tany Yao, Mexico, and still unreachable
  • There’s more as described in this news article from Canada. Several have since resigned and several have lost committee assignments, and other travelers have been demoted. The news reports that MPs had not seen such public anger at politicians ever before. As one citizen noted, she was “enraged” at this behavior.

On January 6, 2021, Canada made new, mandatory travel restrictions including mandatory Covid-19 testing upon entry to Canada. Most of the MPs were safely back in their castles.

Jesse Lippold, Salem-Keizer School Board director and avid party goer

Jesse Lippold was elected to the Salem-Keizer School Board at the age of 21. In the midst of Covid-19 restrictions – you know, the ones for which we cannot open our schools – this kid grew up from nothing to become a member of the government elite – where he attended a maskless, non-socially distanced party and posted photos on his Instagram page bragging about it, literally bragging that they were violating the rules. Because he’s an elite member of society. This even violated his County’s regulations. (Source: Jan 8, 2020, Bend Bulletin, pay wall).

SALEM — A Salem-Keizer School Board director is facing criticism after attending a maskless New Year’s party with about a dozen friends.

Jesse Lippold posted photos on his Instagram page over the weekend showing him, his girlfriend and other friends at a party.

Gov. Kate Brown and public health officials have frowned upon these types of gatherings and said that holding them would delay the reopening of schools and local businesses. Since November, social gatherings of more than six people who do not live together have been prohibited in Marion County under the state’s COVID-19 restrictions.

Lippold’s post described the event as a “modern speakeasy” and said the group didn’t social distance but “were still less packed than every mall, Walmart or Costco.”

Schools remain closed in the Salem-Keizer school district as our children’s’ education is ruined by pandemic policy decisions – made by elite like Lippold. Teachers in his school district wrote a letter to the Governor asking that schools not re-open until teachers are vaccinated.

“School staff must have access to the vaccine and have time for it to be fully effective before reopening schools for in-person or hybrid instruction.”

But then he goes off and parties – because he’s special.

There is not one god damned government official who believes in the Orders they inflict on everyone else. Not one.

Registered Nurse Mike Schultz

After being hospitalized for weeks with Covid in the spring of 2021, Schultz shared photos of how bad it was on his Instagram page. He got the disease from attending a huge party event in Miami that served as a mass spreader event. His story became national news and an impetus for espousing the dangers caused by those who avoid safety practices and attended large events.

In January of 2021, he flew off to Mexico to attend another huge party event, ignoring all of the guidance about Covid-19 precautions. And posted about it on his Instagram page.

He had Covid-19 already and had antibodies – therefore “I’m going to get on with life now”.

Does it makes sense for an RN to promote the idea that its now okay to go out and party in huge crowds/potential mass spreader events while public health and the CDC say no, you can’t do that?

Note the “I’m immune. I’m going to get on with life” messaging. This will happen a lot in the next few months as the vaccine privileged demand they be permitted to get on with life, while those of us at the end of the vaccine line in late 2021 are forced to stay home, save lives – while they party on. No one is thinking this through – and behavior like that of Schulz will enrage many.

Plus, as a health care worker, Schultz will have been at the front of the line to be vaccinated too. So shut up you peons!

(Note the spin of the linked article is this is somehow an LGBTQ issue – its not. It’s about Covid-19, and in this case, a health care worker, ignoring the rules, even when knowing Covid is bad since he spent weeks in the hospital with it himself.)

Canada Public Health Agency manager Dominique Baker

Dominique Baker, a manager at Canada’s PHA (PHAC), flew off on an all-expense paid personal trip to a luxury resort in Jamaica as part of her side job as an Instagram social media influencer.

“Baker is the manager of the office of border and travel health — a Public Health Agency of Canada program tasked with keeping communicable diseases out of Canada and reducing public health risks to travellers.”

Yes, she is the person in charge of telling Canadians not to travel. So what does she do? She travels off to Jamaica.

PHAC has consistently told Canadians not to travel during the pandemic. She tried the usual sob story that she could travel because “comprehensive precautions in place to keep people safe”.

Not one public health official believes in the restrictions they enforce on everyone else. Not one public health expert believes in what they are telling us. “Follow the public health advice and do not travel right now” – UNLESS you are an important elite member of society, unlike those of us who are non-essential worthless peons, right?

When every public health expert does this, many of us wish these assholes would go to hell.

Why the hell should we still be sequestered in our homes for a year?

California School Teachers

Teachers put pressure on the state to move teachers to the front of the vaccination line. Their wish was granted and they are now first in Tier 1b.

But 3 weeks later, the unions say – after getting themselves moved to the front of the line – that schools will remain closed until fall of 2021.

That is sure a heck of a lesson for school students to learn.

December 14, 2020:

California teachers facing pressure to support school reopenings have a request for state health officials: Put educators near the front of the line for coronavirus vaccinations.

January 9, 2020:

But the state teachers unions — as well as San Francisco’s — have said vaccinations won’t be enough and are calling for additional measures not endorsed by public health experts as necessary for students and staff to safely return to the classroom.

Instead of reopening, it’s looking more likely that many if not most classrooms will remain in virtual mode for months and perhaps until the fall, despite the vaccine.

Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Health Authority convened a 27-member vaccine Advisory Committee the first week of January to determine prioritization of vaccine recipients after Phase 1a. This committee should have been implemented months ago.

After the first meeting, they were unable to agree on whether vaccines were safe and effective and if they should even recommend them.

In the last few minutes of their 2nd meeting, they approved a new “equity” based prioritization scheme for Phase 1b that is contrary to the scheme Ordered by the Governor the week before.

This is their scheme for the next round of vaccinations and is determined by a higher mortality rate among people of color.

  • Black, African-American, Hispanic/Latino/LatinX, Indigenous, tribal and urban-based Natives, Pacific Islanders
  • Adults 16-64 with chronic underlying conditions (COPD, cancer, etc)
  • Adults and youth in custody
  • People living in multi-generational homes
  • People under 65 living in low income senior housing or congregate senior housing.

As of January 16, one full month in to the state’s vaccine roll out, this is the state’s vaccine doses, by sex:

As you can see, twice as many females have been vaccinated as have males. And its worse, as the split by race and ethnicity shows that in most states, minority groups are vaccinated at a lower rate than their proportion of the population.

What we have ended up with is white female privilege.

According to the CDC data on January 16, 2021 deaths due to Covid-19 are:

  • Males: 178,688 or 54%
  • Females: 150,898 or 46%

In addition about 3 out of 4 cases of severe Covid-19 are males.

While insisting that distribution is based on “equity” and “risk”, we have moved higher risk males (all races) to the end of the vaccination line and white females to the front of the line – and not by a little bit but by an overwhelming margin.

This is the Oregon Health Authority’s concept of “equity” at work. The hypocrisy is apparent.

Update: The Vaccine Advisory Committee’s race-based allocation scheme was struck down as a violation of law and the Constitution. Ultimately, most if not all of their recommendations were ignored.

Nashville School Board Chair Christine Buggs

Christine Buggs is the Chair of the Nashville (TN) School Board.

She went on Twitter tirade of the dangers of Covid-19, particlularly as it had impacted her own family, and she didn’t want one more life lost. Therefore, schools will remain “virtual” for the foreseeable future.

16 days earlier she jetted off to vacation in St Lucia, a Caribbean island. She even hosted a party at a restaurant – maskless 🙂 Because!

While many of us continue to be holed up, isolated from life – the elite are jetting around the world – while telling us about the dangers of Covid-19. The schools, as of now, have no proposed date for re-opening.

Buggs has deleted her Instagram account which appears to have had details of her fun outings.

Broward School District Teachers Union

Covid – destroying the reputation of one institution after another.

Teachers are refusing to go back to classrooms saying is it not safe for them to do so.

The Broward School District has scoured Facebook pages of teachers working remotely to catch them partying, traveling and failing to wear masks at a time the educators say COVID-19 makes it too risky for them to return to campus.

One teacher is pictured at her daughter’s destination wedding in Jamaica. Another attended a political rally for Joe Biden. Others were pictured with cocktails in restaurants or enjoying a Disney or beach vacation with family or friends.

Massachusetts Teachers Union President Leah Burns

While insisting it is unsafe to open schools, head of the teacher’s union sends her kid (without a mask) to a private school – which is open. And probably was not a unionized school either.

The teacher’s union accused the district of “spying” even though the teachers published their antics in public forums. Regardless of how anyone tries to slice and dice this, it looks hypocritical.

Leominster Superintendent Paula Deacon

Says schools must be closed due to Covid-19 safety issues – and then flies from Massachusetts to Florida to attend an NFL game. Attending out of state footballs games in a pandemic is an “essential” activity, especially to a state that has no mask mandate (if you believe in them). Really. And of course, she posted photos on social media (since deleted) because she is an elite member of society where rules do not apply to her. Know your place plebian!

Elite fitness instructor Stacey Griffith

Elite fitness instructor to the stars, Stacey Griffith falsely claims to be a teacher in order to move to the head of the vaccination line and get vaccinated, even though she met none of the criteria for vaccination. In fact, her private group fitness training programs are not currently permitted due to Covid restrictions.

She got caught when she posted the obligatory vaccination selfie on Instagram and claimed she was doing this as an example to show others to get their shot.  (People like me, who are older and have multiple moderate risk factors, cannot even wait in line for a shot until 8-9 months from now per our state’s public health department. In 8 months not one person will remember her damn “example”.)

What an arrogant, self-centered jerk. Her doing this means a qualified person had to go without – that could have been an elderly person, a cancer patient, a health care worker.

Canadian Elite (may as well be any country)

From the Toronto Sun

It seems every day we hear of yet another elected official or member of a medical advisory board who travelled internationally while admonishing you not to do the same.

Cynical people have suggested that this proves the authorities do not believe in their own advice.

That is patently untrue and dangerous to suggest. It undermines authority to have the public thinking that way.

They believe totally in the advice they gave you. It just doesn’t apply to them.

Who do you think you are? 

TV Celebrity Piers Morgan

Publicly said on social media that Christmas should be virtual – basically canceled. He spent much of his time blathering on about the need for lock downs and tougher restrictions on the peons.

While he simultaneously flew to the Caribbean island of Antigua for a Christmas holiday.

Peruvian Government Officials

When trials of China-made Sinopharm vaccine began in Peru in October 2020, the President, many ministers and other government officials secretly received doses of the vaccine.

Once caught, several have resigned.

The report says China is leveraging its early vaccine offerings into trade deals and influence. Mexico and other countries that contracted with Pfizer and others are now turning their sights on China-based vaccines.

Elite Hollywood Celebrities and Crew Members

Elite Hollywood celebrities – even crew members – are now flown by private jet to shooting locations. Because they are elite. This way they reduce their own risk of Covid-19, reduce the risk of shutting down a movie shoot – and avoid the whole airport and face mask ordeal. Perhaps not hypocritical but definitively elite.

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

The Governor of NM established lock downs, restricted access to grocery stores, even closed some grocery stores and businesses, told residents to stay home, minimize trips to essential stores, and to avoid all mingling between households. You should only be with members of your own household: Families should not visit – you should spend Thanksgiving and Christmas home alone.

Of course, the Governor had her staff go grocery shopping for her, sometimes several times per day and used her taxpayer funded grocery sprees to provide gourmet meals and alcoholic beverages to large groups of people inside her mansion. The Governor even bought items for a future post-Covid party.

Yet again, not one politician or public health official ever believed the rules and regulations they established and enforced on others.

Afterward – after being caught, the Governor made a vague proposal to donate some of the taxpayers money to some one else.

Here’s what we do with bad press, we find a way to help people know that I do care about them– I do,” she said.

What an asshole.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

The Mayor of Boston cut in line to get an early vaccination for Covid-19, at age 53. He was not eligible for prioritization.

Biden has appointed him to be Secretary of Labor. Because this is how the elite roll.

Shut up peon.

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves

Governor Tate Reeves issued an order restricting the gatherings of people and told everyone not to host any parties … and then invited friends, family and government officials to multiple parties.

When caught he said he expected that many would choose not to attend.

Another elitist asshole.

Argentina Health Minister Gines Gonzalez Garci

The Health Minister, himself a public health medical doctor, authorized vaccinations for friends and those “close to the government” – basically, the elite privileged got to jump the line. The Health Minister subsequently resigned and a criminal investigation has been opened.

He had argued in 2020 that “the only real prescription is one predating the Middle Ages: quarantine”. Epidemiology has not advanced in hundreds of years and is stuck in the dark ages.

In the end, this public health doctor was giving vaccinations to friends and family. Because public health has never been about the public’s health.

Central and South American Political and Health Leaders

The list has gotten too long to show them individually. Lots of political leaders and health ministers jumped the line, gave out vaccinations to the well connected. Just the usual sort of corruption we expect in governments worldwide now.

Berkeley Federation of Teachers (Union) President Matt Meyer

Matt Meyer, president of the local teacher’s union and a vociferous advocate of keeping schools closed, is caught on video dropping his daughter off at a private, in person, pre-school. He was wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with his teacher’s union name.

Words like “Hypocrite” and “Idiot” come to mind. Not one official believes in what they enforce on everyone else. NOT ONE.

Gov. Kate Brown, Oregon

Gov. Brown jumps to the front of the vaccination line with the usual nonsense about demonstrating the vaccine is safe and encouraging others to get the vaccine. Because when DEMAND greatly exceeds SUPPLY, we must encourage greater demand. She could have donated her dose to an essential worker or person of color, but no, she had to send a message. She’s younger than me but I will not be eligible to start waiting in line until June.

Meanwhile, my County – in her state – has been cut off from vaccine doses for 5 weeks with the most recent week cut by -25% from the prior week.

Gov. Kate Brown is lying about getting vaccinated – she was vaccinated because she is elite and she could do that.

Olympic Athletes

Many countries are pushing their young, fit prospective Olympic athletes to the head of the vaccination line. This, after giving us ethical arguments about how we must give doses first to HCWs and the elderly, and then “essential” workers.

Young, fit Olympic athletes are … “essential workers”. Yet sport is entertainment and nothing more.

With some exceptions, the prioritization schemes are revealed as a formal definition of the elite in society. Every politician gets vaccinated “to show the vaccine is safe and effective and everyone should take it” – while demand exceeds supply. There is no ethical or moral behavior involved in this.

Add Arthur Caplan, professor of medical ethics, to the list of hypocrites with this astounding argument that athletes are essential workers:

Caplan said that while the focus of this pandemic had rightly been on the physical consequences of the deadly virus, not enough attention was being paid to the psychosocial side effects of widespread lockdowns. He said sports, in that regard, provided a healthy distraction.

You know, being allowed to see my grandchildren would be a healthy distraction too, you hypocrite.

And they wonder why everyone is cynical and no one believes a fucking word involving public health anymore?

New York State Liquor Authority

The State Liquor Authority has shut down hundreds of restaurants and bars for not adhering to state Covid-19 restrictions.

In a formal meeting where they issued fines to establishments for not wearing masks, none of the Board members are wearing masks:

In the meeting, streamed live online, SLA Chairman Vincent Bradley and commissioners Lily Fan and Greeley Ford are seated at tables with distance between them. They do not have masks on as the board progresses rapidly with assessing fines. At one point, a staff member enters, not wearing a face covering, and hands papers to Ford. Also not in a mask, Ford stands to accept them as both reach behind the head of an unmasked Bradley.

After Ford resumes his seat, the board continues approving fines against bars and restaurants for various violations identified during recent compliance checks, often taking just a few seconds, with only minimal discussion, per decision. In just the 10 minutes or so following the exchange between Ford and the maskless staffer, the board imposes penalties totaling tens of thousands of dollars, with a meeting participant saying of one licensee being given a $1,500 fine, “Employees with no masks.”

It is apparent that none of the restrictions imposed on us apply to the elite. It seems apparent that none of these restrictions have anything to do with fighting a virus – they are about applying authoritarian and totalitarian style government upon all of us.

Television news anchor Blake McCoy

“I’m annoyed obese people of all ages get priority vaccine access before all essential workers,” tweeted McCoy. “When most stayed home, we went to work every day last March, April, May and every day since putting ourselves & loved ones at risk.”

Followers pointed out that McCoy had anchored his show from home for periods in March and August and had posted photos of himself traveling throughout the pandemic. He was later suspended and tweeted a statement: “I Tweeted something insensitive and offensive. I truly regret my words and want to apologize.” McCoy declined to comment for this story.

Hundreds of media and entertainment elite line cut in line

“Many of the appointments were booked by people who worked in the news media and in Hollywood, Derderian said, including at production companies, streaming TV services, news outlets and on the sets of soap operas.”

900 of the 1,500 open slots were reserved by persons not eligible for vaccination. The city had to cancel the vaccination clinic, including canceling the appointments of senior citizens who had waited and finally gotten an appointment.

United Teachers of Los Angeles (Union)

On a private Facebook group page for union members, teachers were told not share photos on social media of their vacations trips – while schools are closed.

“It is hard to argue that it is unsafe for in-person instruction, if parents and the public see vacation photos and international travel”

They demand schools remain closed indefinitely. They say re-opening the schools is white supremacy and structural racism while being a hypocrite has no ethical or moral concerns.

Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Harvard University (not really)

Update: His Harvard University affiliation turns out to have been as a volunteer at a lab there. After exaggerating his relationship, he has since removed mention of Harvard from most online bios.

Dr. Ding spent the past year insisting on the need to close schools in the U.S. Example of his work here.

In January he stated Ireland must keep schools closed and more restrictions were needed:

“It may mean we cannot ‘afford’ the leeway to keep schools open anymore that we could before,” Dr Feigl-Ding said.

He also joined the cloth face mask denier community:

“And we may need to switch to premium mask mandates,” he added, referring to masks such as FFP2 and N95, which offer higher levels of protection.

He believed in long duration lock downs and restrictions for the peons but not important elite like himself and his family.

In 2020, he advocated a long duration lock down in the U.S.

How that would work in a highly interconnected economy where there are numerous interdependency and 71% of workers are defined as essential to keep life itself functioning, is never explained by experts like him. Indeed, we put 40 million people out of work, closed schools and denied health care to millions (including me with an untreated broken foot).

He and his wife, a medical doctor and native of Austria, then moved to Austria so their son could attend school. Dr. Andrea Feigl has since deleted her Twitter account.

(Update Nov 2021: Austria is in full, nationwide lock down. As observed repeatedly, everywhere eventually ends up at about the same place, in spite of NPIs, not because of them. That tweet about how Austria did everything right illustrates the suicide of expertise. Wrong again.)

As he himself said, it’s important that we are “setting a good example.” He said that colleges and universities needed to plan ahead to remain closed in 2022. Twitter considers him an “expert” and elevates his opinion to broader audiences.

There is more in this Twitter thread (and others)

Feigl-Ding was under condemnation from other scientists in the fall of 2020 – long before the revelation that he had moved his family to Austria to attend schools there. Indeed, there are entire articles written about his exaggerations and implying expertise outside his field.

He began in early 2020 saying pandemics were inevitable and not stoppable:

But then he flipped and became a “Go to” spokesperson for media hysteria, advocating lock downs, restrictions, and school closures – and blamed the government for not doing enough.

Recently, he has suggested that maybe it’s okay to open schools, a little, with tons of unrealistic restrictions – but this seems more like back pedaling and he previously said no school re-openings until the pandemic was ended.

In the spring of 2020, he insisted that face masks were why Czech Republic did so well and had stopped the pandemic. Yet, given the element of time, Czechia is now among the worst in Europe, despite, not because, face masks. At one point, Czechia had the highest per capita infection rate in the world.

Update December 2021: If you think lock downs and hysteria worked, here is a chart as of Dec 2021 showing Austria versus three other nearby countries. Austria had strict measures and a full lockdown in place – yet their epicurve is identical to the 3 nations that did nothing:

By January 2021, he acknowledged that cloth face masks never worked and asked for N95 medical grade masks only. This is a screen snapshot since he has habit of deleting tweets after they were shown to be wrong.

On March 10, 2021, moments after I wrote this section – An Austrian Court eliminated Austria’s mandatory school mask requirement. Probably another reason for Feigl-Ding to be living in Austria. (Feigl-Ding, after receiving a med school scholarship from George Soros, dropped out of med school. He is a nutritionist, not an infectious disease epidemiologist or physician.)

Yet again, not one public health expert believes in the rules for themselves. Not one. After demanding school closures, he and his family moved to Austria so their son could attend school. He then promoted his epic charade on social media, leading people to believe he was still in the United States. He appeared in a Biden campaign ad cosplaying the role of a medical doctor. This reflects that public health is made up of activists who use their pulpit to promote politics. Don’t forget Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo’s June 2, 2020 tweet saying protesting was more important than fighting a virus – just after we heard for months we were to “Stay home. Save Lives.”

He has used his unique privilege to travel back and forth between the U.S. and the EU, even though travel for the rest of us is currently banned by Austria as of March 10, 2021. But since he is privileged and the rest of us are just pieces of garbage, it is not a problem – here are the actual rules for Austria travel:

2. The entry to Austria from “other states and territories“ which are not listed on Annex A is not possible.

Please note that Austria has been suspending the entry by third-country nationals, including U.S. citizens, from outside the EU and the Schengen area already since mid-March 2020.

However, exceptions apply i.e. for the following groups of persons:

Austrian, EU, EEA, Swiss citizens or some UK citizens (only established residents according to Art. 18 of the BREXIT agreement)

Persons living in the same household with Austrian, EU, EEA, or Swiss citizens 


students, pupils, teaching staff or scientists who take up or continue school, studies or research in Austria

Feigl-Ding is the definition of arrogance and self centered-ness.

At this point, I no longer believe one God Damned word coming from people calling themselves epidemiologists.

Little known fact: Anyone can call themselves an epidemiologist. Neil Ferguson at ICL is an epidemiologist (his PhD is in physics, and he writes crappy software), Feigl-Ding is an epidemiologist (his PhD is in nutrition and urges closure of US schools while he moves his family to Austria so his kid can attend in person school).

Update August 28, 2023:

Feigl-Ding is still arguing school closures are essential and good – while he moved his family to Austria to take advantage of open schools. School closures did not stop the spread in any U.S. state. He has zero credibility on any anything at this point.

Christopher D. Casamento

The University of Pittsburgh’s former director of emergency management stole more than 13,600 face masks meant for school employees and students and sold them online in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a federal indictment announced Wednesday.

I’m so old, I remember getting verbally assaulted for wearing a used shop N95 mask – because I was supposed to turn it over to the local hospital, which would have thrown it away.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY)

As the coronavirus pandemic swept through New York early last year, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration arranged for his family members and other well-connected figures to have special access to state-administered coronavirus tests, dispatching a top state doctor and other state health officials to their homes, according to three people with direct knowledge of the effort.

Read the whole story – it’s worse than the summary. Same thing in my state as Gov Kate “Wear a Mask” Brown and her husband were tested, secretly, in violation of state rules. Tests were not available to the non-essential, non-elite peons.

Specifically: During 3 weeks of March 2020, I had Covid symptoms – two doctors later said it was unfortunate that I could not get tested at the time. Not only could I not get tested but I had a foot injury for which access to non-emergency health care was prohibited by Oregon’s Covid Kate “Wear a Mask” Brown. On May 13th, I was finally permitted by Her Highness to see a doctor – diagnosis: broken foot, torn tendon. Having gone untreated, there was little to do. As of Nov 28, 2021, I continue to experience pain in the foot, at times, every day. And yes, I spent months walking with a broken foot. If you wonder why I think public health is run by sociopaths, that experience certainly contributed … (Update – the foot problems lasted about 3 years due to lack of treatment – public health is run by sociopaths.)

Reminder: the CDC fucked up testing for the first few months. First, they refused to use the WHO produced test available in January. Second, the CDC spent February shipping a faulty test (which they knew was faulty). Third, by March, the CDC insisted upon a government monopoly of testing and was unable to handle the demand.

UPDATE – the President of the United States, and both NY State Senators, have called upon Cuomo to resign after an investigation found he had sexually harassed numerous women. The Legislature is beginning impeachment proceedings and a majority have indicated they will vote to impeach him. SECOND UPDATE: Cuomo resigned in disgrace and has been charged with crimes.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg

To celebrate her 60th birthday, Solberg planned a dinner with at least 13 people, in violation of her own rules to limit groups to no more than 10 people. She canceled her participation at the last minute, but was fined 20,000 kroner. She organized a second dinner with 14 people, the very next day.

AFT President Randi Weingartan

American Federation of Teachers President says schools cannot re-open safely and publicly appeared to disagree with the CDC’s three foot separation recommendation implying it may not be safe at less than six feet. Three weeks later, she posts a photo of herself with a group of people sitting next to one another, apparently in a restaurant. Social isolation and six foot separation is only important for kids, not adults, apparently.

Trish Foster, aide (COO) to Gov. Whitmer of Michigan

Trish Foster is the Chief Operating Officer to the Governor of Michigan. Michigan, now in the midst of the nation’s worst Covid-19 outbreak (April 2021) is under many restrictions including social distancing, masks, requests for a voluntary lock down, and requests to not travel.

Trish Foster, in the midst of this, traveled to Florida, where she partied on the beach, shoulder to shoulder with others. She acknowledged that one of her own children was not on the trip because he tested positive for Covid-19. Michigan’s directives say if a close contact tests positive then you should quarantine.

A spokesperson said that Foster already had Covid-19 plus is “fully vaccinated” – and presumably the guidance issued by the CDC that even vaccinated should not travel, does not apply to her because she is elite. And one has ever had an asymptomatic break through case. Ever 🙂

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan

After issuing a travel caution to residents of Michigan, the Governor traveled to Florida and then lied about her travels saying she had been “in town the whole time. She had, in fact, visited her Dad in Florida, while prohibiting similar visits in Michigan by Michigan residents. She said she went for just 2 days.

She also blamed “spring break” travel to Florida for the upsurge in daily cases occurring in Michigan. While she traveled to Florida and lied about it.

Notice the sob story again – she was visiting her ill father – an excuse that’s good enough for her but not good enough for you. Rules do not apply to the elite – so shut up you stupid peon. In fact, she said if she had not traveled to visit her family member in FL, she would have been accused of family values hypocrisy. Either way, apparently, she was a hypocrite.

Update: She traveled on a private jet that was operated as a charter flight in violation of FAA regulations. She refuses to say who paid for the private jet – with indications it may have come from a private business group in Michigan. It was a 4 day trip, not the 2-days she earlier claimed. And she had not yet been vaccinated either.

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

As Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney suspended in-person campaign efforts and told constituents to stay home to fight coronavirus, the New York Democrat disclosed spending tens of thousands of dollars to travel the state, prompting ethics concerns.


Maloney’s expenses were unusual in his region. Rep. Antonio Delgado (D., N.Y.), for example, did not disclose any car-related expenses in 2020. Delgado’s 19th Congressional District is nearly six times the size of Maloney’s neighboring 18th district.

Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, PhD, and Anthony Fauci, MD

Emanuel, a Penn State professor, agreed to meet with Fauci, for dinner, at a time when Pennsylvania recommended against all travel, “Stay at home, Save lives” and required social distancing. As of May 13, 2020, restaurants were to be closed. This may not be a violation as it may have fallen under “guidance” and not yet “Orders” but is an example about how public health elite never viewed the rules as applying to themselves.

Andy Slavitt, Biden’s Covid Czar

See the above list of hypocrites and then learn it’s all our fault, even when we did everything they asked of us.

Slavitt’s negative view of “the people” is reminiscent of the Oregon Health Authority which, in the fall of 2020, began blaming the public for a rising positivity test rate. It was our fault, they asserted because we were no longer complying (the data on public compliance showed stunningly high compliance but if you are an epidemiologist you don’t need no stinkin’ data.). Then in about November, they acknowledged what a few of us had seen they were doing the calculation wrong. And literally, over night, they began thanking residents for doing a great job. Flip-flop.

But – when the policy setter’s policies are ineffective and do not work – ignore that – just blame the peons for not cooperating. It’s always the public’s fault – never the fault of incompetent policies that do not work and the which the leaders ignore.

Matt Hancock, British Health Minister

Matt Hancock resigned as Britain’s Health Secretary Saturday, one day after he apologized for breaching Covid regulations. The married politician was pictured kissing and embracing his adviser, with whom British tabloid The Sun alleges he is having an affair. The newspaper reported that the images were from May 6, two weeks before cross-household contact was allowed indoors in England.”

Because rules are for the little people, not arrogant self important twits. This is like ICL’s epidemiologist to the stars, Neil Ferguson, the physicist who set up Britain’s lock down, and then, ten days after testing positive for Covid-19, had a sex romp with his married girlfriend.

I’ll believe there’s an emergency when one god damned public health official believes there is an emergency.

Update: Wow. The more we learned about this we can only conclude that the Health Minister is self absorbed and arrogant. He did not mention his wife, who is an osteopathic physician, in his resignation comments. (Update Sep 2021: he and his wife are now divorcing. Read that story.) This is the guy who was in charge of public health.

Some are now saying, “Why should I wear a mask when Matt Hancock didn’t?” And one reporter points out she was banned from an in person visit with her dying father because of Hancock’s rules – rules that Hancock himself flagrantly ignored.

And Hancock did not just have a little kiss with his assistant – it was a 20+ second fully body embrace, followed by another.

“‘He’s been puritan-in-chief in the government and now it turns out he’s a massive, lying hypocrite.’

You realize there are now hundreds of these arrogant politicians and public health officials on this list who never gave a crap about abiding by their own rules and Orders. This is not just one bad apple. This is an entire field of study – public health and epidemiology whose practitioners are frauds. The entire culture of public health is a mess of self important jerks. The field needs a wholesale housecleaning if they think anyone will listen to them again.

Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer, Nova Scotia Health

Dr Robert Strang is the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Nova Scotia. He said the purpose of his ban on social gatherings was to prevent people from spreading misinformation. In other words, the purpose of his Orders was to suspend speech by the public. He admitted he put the Order in place to shut down planned protests against his mask orders.

The Nova Scotia Supreme Court politely told him to go to hell and reversed his Order.

This is the work of a dictatorial tyrant one would find in North Korea or the former USSR. But alas, this is the public health director for a province in Canada. Tyrants and public health have become one and the same.

Sir Patrick Vallance, FRS, FMedSci, FRCP, Chief Scientific Officer, UK government

Face coverings were not required while seated but were required at the event any time one left their seat. Still, as a vocal proponent of mandatory face masks everywhere, especially when near others, what message is he sending?
