Using a space heater to target rooms you’re using instead of heating the entire house is a surefire way to trim money off of your monthly energy spend. Space heaters cost about 20 cents per hour to operate, give or take, which is a whole lot cheaper than central heat for a home of almost any size.

Here’s How Much a Space Heater Can Save You on Heating Costs (

We sort of do this. In my office, which often starts the day at 56-58 degrees F, I have a small heating pad on the chair. I got the idea from new cars, and especially EVs, which offer heated seats, as a less energy consuming way to stay warm. I also have a small electric heater that I occasionally use when it has gotten really cold. Ultimately, whole home heating works by gradually heating up the thermal mass of your home – meaning the temperature of the walls, floor, furniture, etc. That’s generally done, in most homes, by heating the air, which is not the most efficient way to transfer heat but it is what it is.

Also, the above only works if you are not needing to heat the whole home. If you’ve got a family and need to heat multiple rooms, the savings diminish rapidly. But if you are working alone, at home, using a space heater can make much sense.
