Is this a media parody site? Opinion: Excessive free speech is a breeding ground for more Trumps – The Globe and Mail (

Who gets to decide what we get to say or not?

My government teacher in high school asked that question – who should be in charge of regulating speech? Who gets to decide?

The answer to speech you do not like is more speech, not censorship by The Party In Charge, he said.

Once up on a time, the media fought for free speech – but now they want free speech only for themselves, and for themselves to be the arbiter of “truth”.

Social media has greatly threatened their existence – media is not as important as they believe they are, and they reveal much when multiple media outlets began calling for the regulation of speech they disagree with.

Once upon a time, those with a printing press or a broadcast license exerted control over public discourse. Social media became a frictionless conduit for anyone to say what they want to say. Media is not happy about that and wants the government to exert controls over speech on social media, to prevent messaging that goes against those in power. Yet that is literally the point of the First Amendment – to permit and encourage the questioning of government.

The media has lost the game and will continue to fade away at this point.

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