First, our national idiocy on display:

Transgender Day of Visibility 2024: How to celebrate and be an ally ( – on Easter Sunday.

The Transgender Day of Visibility is not a Federal government assigned event, but March 31st was selected by an individual in Michigan. The White House chooses to formally recognize this day, created by an individual, which in 2024, happens to fall on Easter Sunday.

How many days does the White House recognize for brain injury awareness? ZERO.

  • About 5-6 million adults in the U.S. are permanently disabled from brain injuries and unable to work.
  • 2.8 million people will be treated in ERs each year for brain injuries/concussions.
  • Millions more are treated by family physicians, urgent care clinics, or not treated at all and are not recorded in any databases.
  • Millions will suffer long lasting, even lifetime effects from brain injuries – every year.

Did you know that March is Brain Injury Awareness Month?

It is, but you probably did not know that. BIAM is sponsored by the Brain Injury Association of America – not an individual but a national nonprofit organization. The White House does not recognize Brain Injury Awareness Month.

The White House recognizes at least 7 “days” during the year for LGBTQIA+ issues.

The White House gives more attention to treating gender identity disorders than to brain injuries, even though far more people are affected by brain injuries.

We are a Nation of Idiots.
