Source: Swiss cyclist Gino Mäder dies from injuries suffered in crash during Tour de Suisse

This is sad. Devastating.

Bicycling is considered one of the most dangerous of recreational activities, ranking behind the riding of animals (e..g. horses). And it is not racing – but recreational riding where almost all crashes and injuries occur.

Most crashes do not involve vehicles, but bike-vehicle crashes get about 100% of the media attention. Nearly all fatal bicycle crashes involve a vehicle, but these are a tiny minority of all crashes.

About 90% involve bicycle versus road hazards like potholes and loose gravel, crashing with pedestrians, other cyclists or animals, and so on. No one knows how many bicycling injuries occur each year, with estimates ranging from about 1/2 million (based on hospital ER visits) up to 2+ million (many will self treat or seek care from a non-reporting provider such as their own doctor).
