These are not peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights. These are spoiled and entitled kids cosplaying at being revolutionaries while expecting hard-working taxpayers to foot the bill. And they are being facilitated in this revolutionary fantasy by spoiled and entitled universities that are similarly awash in the cash they get from taxpayers.

You may have thought that universities were places where students take classes, study and prepare for productive lives as responsible citizens, but that’s not what elite colleges currently look like. The average college student spends less than three hours per day either in class or studying.

Spoiled Children Have Seized the Colleges We Pay For

Examples of the privilege and elite-ness of these kids: Privilege and entitlement – Social Panic (

Beginning now, I am no longer donating to universities (I donated earlier this year and planned to donate more). Instead, I will donate to the Mike Rowe WORKS Foundation which provides scholarships for those attending community college and other skilled worker training programs.

Related: The gamification of the admissions process: Opinion | I Teach at an Elite College. Here’s a Look Inside the Racial Gaming of Admissions. – The New York Times (

Cosplaying as revolutionaries apparently makes for great social media/Instagram influencer photos:


Trendy! The background on this.

She could just walk down the street and get food – but “From the Rivers to the Sea, We Want Uber Eats to Be Free!“. If the university is not providing catered food services to the protesters, it’s the university’s fault. Good grief!

Princeton students complain of ‘starving’ amid anti-Israel hunger strike ( – she admits that she voluntarily began a hunger strike…

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