No one goes to downtown Portland anyway as its been taken over by crime and homeless:

Portland officials plan to announce a new pilot project that would restrict a 16-block area of downtown to only zero-emissions delivery vehicles as part of a $2 million federal grant program.

Source: Portland to create zero-emissions delivery zone downtown |

Personal gas powered vehicles will be permitted … promoters say “No one has done this” – there might be a clue there and a reason why no one has done this? The area encompasses mostly government buildings so making everything less efficient might be a boon for the local area… they will create a new loading/unloading zone outside the zone so actual delivery trucks will have to offload their goods to smaller EV vans or to bicycles.

The hypocrisy:

Rivera said city officials will announce the pilot project at a Wednesday press conference that will include federal officials who are flying in from Washington D.C. 

Portland recommends using electric vans and pedal powered “cargo bikes” to make deliveries.

The city plans to partner with B-line Sustainable Urban Delivery, a local business that specializes in zero-emissions delivery tricycles and will provide incentives to companies as they work to adjust to the new rules. 

Portland is run by the dumbest people on the planet. It is embarrassing to live in this state.

Update: The “officials” involved acknowledge they have no idea what they are doing, what it will cost, how it will impact neighborhoods around the zero emissions zone – but are confident it will be great. Because kharma!
