However, according to a recent report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), Gen Z might actually be doing better than the generations before.

According to the Institute, despite what it may seem, the labor market for young college graduates is currently stronger than it was before the pandemic, and it’s been that way for quite a while.

While it’s certainly been tough, Gen Z has seen a faster bounce-back in the labor market than any economic recovery in recent history. The generation has also seen stronger wage growth

The luckiest generation? Why Gen Z is entering the workforce at the perfect time

What I have been saying – the smaller labor cohort in the youngest generation will have profound effects on positive employment opportunities now and into the future.

You can learn about the historical context here: How to show you know nothing of history without saying you know nothing of history – Social Panic (

Related: ‘I was very disciplined’: This young American was making $16 per hour when she bought her first house at 23. Here’s how she did it — and why she’s worried for young people with no goals (

Jennifer agreed with Dr. Phil that young Americans lack drive — which is why some are ‘doom spending’ and rejecting major life goals like homeownership or saving for retirement. She thinks a lack of education is to blame.

“I think the problem is, a lot of people don’t have any goals. People don’t have goals because there’s a lack of knowledge,” she told Dr. Phil. “People don’t know that they can buy a house. People don’t know that they can be an investor. People don’t know what’s attainable. They just tell themselves: ‘I won’t ever be able to do that.’

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