This is good news: Gen Z Is Primed to Succeed at Starting Their Own Small Business (

Although it is eventually spun into:

One generation is uniquely set up to succeed. Since Gen Zers have grown up online, they’re naturally more adept at navigating the new landscape.

Says those in their 30s and 40s are too old, and don’t understand available resources for today’s startups. Hmmmm. And beyond that age bracket is the unstated proposition that even older people are dinosaurs and dingbats!

The news media spends A LOT of time pitching one “Generation” against another “Generation”. It’s great for creating emotional click-bait stories. Reminder – the “generation” labels were invented by the Pew Research Center, which itself says they are largely meaningless, for a host of reasons.

That said, new methods, tools and resources are always coming along, and everyone needs to evaluate and adopt methods that improve efficiency and effectiveness, to remain competitive. So of course, many aspects of entrepreneurship are now streamlined, and that is a good thing.

The reporter graduated from college three years ago … in English lit. From London, then did her Masters in Amsterdam (and some work there) and is now based in New York.
