So $1,000 per KWH.

Cool Anker battery tech but the story is kind of random: Anker’s flagship power station can charge an EV and make homes energy independent

You need to buy a boat load of batteries and a very large solar array. And even then, you might not do much EV charging, as they imply in the headline.

For $4,000 you get just under 4 KWH.

But you can tie many of them (at $4k each) together to make a big battery: “You can even charge your EV at 6,000W / 240V for a dozen or so extra miles of range in an emergency”.

Ok, yes, you could add 18-24 miles to a typical EV with that. Enough for around town, I guess. I made two local town trips today, in snow, with heaters on, and put 6 KWH into the EV battery after I ended the day.
