Prompt to Bing Chat: What are some things to visit in the Seville area of Spain during February 2024?

Output from Bing Chat:

Córdoba’s real charms unfold as you explore the winding, stone-paved lanes of the medieval city to the west, north, and east of the gaudy touristic area immediately around the Mezquita. You can wander between wrought-iron balconies and lamps, potted plants, overhanging trees, golden-stone buildings, and verdant interior patios, emerging every few minutes on yet another quaint little hidden plaza 1.

Bing Chat copied this word for word from Lonely Planet:

Córdoba’s real charms unfold as you explore the winding, stone-paved lanes of the medieval city to the west, north and east of the gaudy touristic area immediately around the Mezquita, wandering between wrought-iron balconies and lamps, potted plants, overhanging trees, golden-stone buildings and verdant interior patios, emerging every few minutes on yet another quaint little hidden plaza.

Passing off a direct quote as your own writing, without paraphrasing, is still plagiarism even if you cite the original source. There will be more of these.

Generative AI does not really generate much – generative AI steals content from human authors, devaluing the work of the human authors.

Some times Chat uses a source in another language – and does a direct machine translation. This copying is harder to detect.
