And state schools Superintendent Chris Reykdal said earlier this year that schools could be roiled with budget woes for years to come, a combination of a “perfect storm” of financial pressures and declining birthrates.

Why schools across the state are slashing their budgets | The Seattle Times

From 2016 to today, the state increased education funding from $9 billion to $13 billion/year while reducing local levies for schools. Most districts saw significant increases in total funding.

Average salaries went from $54,000/year to $87,000 today.

Then came Covid “relief” funds money.

Home schooling, and private schools siphoned away students during the pandemic, many of which have not returned to public schools.

But ultimately, population demographics has come home – and the population decline was more rapid than they had expected.

The State’s schools dramatically increased expenditures (costs) just as the population decline was starting to hit home – then came the effects of shutting down schools and a loss of confidence in all institutions. There’s no choice now – they will have to cut back schools and staff.
