44 inpatient days at Walter Reed:

Pennsylvania hospitals admit thousands of people for depression annually. Only a small fraction of patients stay as long as Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman did in Walter Reed.

Source: How Sen. John Fetterman’s hospital stay for depression compares to other Pennsylvanians’

Fetterman is also a celebrity patient, a status that often leads to special care and privileges, which could have also contributed to the prolonged stay.

Glad to hear that he is doing much better; depression is awful for those afflicted by it.

Recently both Senators Feinstein and McConnell were hospitalized, the latter for a concussion. By comparison, I had a 5″ skull fracture. I was knocked out in a bicycle accident when young and was sent for an outpatient x-ray – FIVE DAYS LATER. I had 5 additional concussions in life, knock out blows, 2 of which broke bike helmets and other bones. My brain injuries were ignored – in fact, I didn’t even learn about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and that I had been experiencing TBI complications until I stumbled on to a book about TBI decades after the first head injury.

Together with our terrible ACA insurance policy (about $1800/month for 2 adults with a $17,600 deductible) I have become enormously aware of those with “health care privilege” who falsely assume the excellent care they received is typical. 

Our political leadership has gold plated health care and they falsely believe this is what the ACA delivered to everyone else.
