Activists say their goal is for just 3.5% of the population to engage in “civil disobedience” as that will be sufficient to control the other 96.5% of the population:

In every case in which activists used nonviolent civil disobedience and mobilized at least 3.5% of the population, she found they were victorious, including revolutions that toppled dictators, from Brazil to the Philippines. Extinction Rebellion members sometimes refer to 3.5% as the “magic number.”

Source: Extinction Rebellion Summer Uprising: The Group That Brought London To A Standstill Is Now In 50 Counties

In their own words, they explain they are opposed to democracy and the climate activist elite should control the world and your life. It’s right there in their own statements and is the philosophical basis for their efforts.

The old way of doing things in a Democracy was to provide persuasive arguments such that a majority agrees to take similar actions. In the World Order of activists, it’s about asserting that they know everything, and you don’t, and the world should be controlled by them. Because they are smarter than you, they know everything, and you are a dumb idiot. The “ends justify the means” thinking – we have a catastrophic hypothesis which justifies ending democracy. Seriously.

They are right and anyone who has a different perspective is a Nazi, or a capitalist pig or some other suitable target of name calling. They do not need facts, only feelings.

Their public stunts, causing risks to lives – such as blocking ambulances and fire engines – accomplish nothing in regards to altering the climate or human behavior. Instead, these protests focus on a group of narcissists who put themselves at the center of attention, while causing harm.

Real solutions come from invention and solving problems, not crude stupid stunts. The former is hard work, the latter is bull shit that children engage in.

One thought on “Climate: Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are authoritarian, anti-democracy groups”
  1. […] Extinction Rebellion openly states that it is opposed to democracy – and wants a tiny climate … This is like the public health authorities who proclaimed that in a public health emergency, the Constitution can be put aside. […]

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