Source: Expedia releases 2022 travel hacks including the best time to book airfare and hotels

  • Buy your tickets on Sunday, they suggest, for the best prices.
  • Travel outbound late in the week for best prices.
  • Book domestic travel typically 3-5 weeks in advance.
  • Book international travel 3 to 4 months in advance.
  • January is cheapest month for domestic travel in the U.S.
  • August is cheapest month for international travel (December is the worst).
  • Friday is the most expensive night for hotel stays. True! Figured that out on my own!
  • Claims you can save money by booking flight and hotel together on Expedia. I’ve never found that to be true for my own travel but perhaps it is for others.

And other interesting items from their internal data.

Since I have not done international travel (been in my plans for far too long only to be shut down by public health and soon, by climate change enthusiasts), I can’t vouch for their international travel suggestions.
