Only in the past few years did I hear the phrase “American exceptionalism”. This concept, I guess, is captured in this survey finding:

The American-Western European Values Gap | Pew Research Center

I do not adhere to the idea that our culture or someone else’s culture is “better than their culture”. I do not understand how one would objectively measure this and make such a conclusion.

Of interest, the percent of Americans who believe in “American exceptionalism” has been steadily dropping. This could occur, perhaps, because the U.S. is now more diversified. In the early 1970s, only about 4-5% of the population was foreign born; today, 15% are foreign born. But if you include close immigrant ties: 1 out of 4 U.S. residents were born abroad or their parents were born abroad – Coldstreams Travel and Global Thinking – and 40% say one of their grandparents was born abroad. The effect is that more Americans have close connections to other countries and cultures and see value in other cultures too. (Also see Immigration: U.S. Immigrant Population Reaches Highest Since 1890 – Coldstreams Travel and Global Thinking)

Another reason this change occurs is because of education – the more education you have, the less likely you are to believe your own culture is better than others’ cultures. (See the study link, above).

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