And just like that: Move over, remote. CEOs say borderless talent is future of tech jobs (

Experts say it’s borderless hiring for technology roles that is stealing the conversation.

“Remote is like the gateway drug to borderless,” said Jeremy Johnson, CEO of AI-enabled tech talent marketplace Andela, whose customers include Goldman Sachs, Github and Coursera. “Once you realize that you don’t have to all be in the same office five days a week in order to build a compelling culture and feel connected to the mission and solve complex problems, you then start thinking there are great people all over the world.”

Tech work in the U.S. will increasingly end up elsewhere – and be heavily integrated with AI doing much of the work. Americans will have to compete with the lowest cost equivalent in other countries. Just as manufacturing moved offshore, now too will much tech work.

If you can do your work remotely already, then your job may end up being moved offshore – where the pay scales or lower. Think about that.

It is not just hiring workers in another country to do outsource work – we already do that. It is going to be about moving workers to cheaper locations also – in tech, everyone will be a digital nomad. Tech work (meaning especially software and work not requiring labs, like electrical engineering R&D) will be done where it is cheapest for workers to live – and those with immigration privilege will be winners, those without will be losers. Work requiring skilled paper pushers can be and will be moved.

Those with global skills – and privileges to work in other countries – will be in great demand.

Now is possibly not a good time for Americans to pursue careers in software development (with some exceptions) as work increasingly becomes “remote” to other countries – unless, as an American, you can relocate to other countries.

Are you looking for a new career change in the UK? Have you considered a working pathway in Australia or New Zealand with Permanent residency? Have you ever thought of a cosmopolitan working life in Germany or Austria? Have you got what it takes to set up a successful company in the United States and get a visa or even a Green Card? Do you need sponsorship to work in the UK? Do YOU dream of setting up your own company and hiring your own team in the UK? Are you a student looking for a job opportunity to sponsor after you graduate?

Borderless Jobs (

From the above, you can see that those who can readily move to other countries will have a competitive edge.

That page links to information about moving abroad.

This is going to kill employment opportunities for older workers who cannot readily relocate due to immigration age restrictions, or family obligations, as well as having a lack of global skills.

Tip: If you want to pursue “tech” (broadly defined rather than the narrow definition the media uses to mean software), consider civil, electrical/power or mechanical engineering, and possibly chemical engineering – fields that generally require lab equipment and/or work on site – and less likely to be done remotely or fully borderless.

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