Not making that up: Kohei Saito, the Prophet of ‘Degrowth Communism’ – The Atlantic

Goes on to say we must ban travel, eating meat, heating or cooling your home, and targets should be set by government technocratic experts.

Basically, we’d have a better life if we just returned to the Stone Age when everything was wonderful.

It’s Just Science.

The proponent of degrowth Communism is one of the elite – born and grew up in Japan, he later attended universities in the United States and Germany, earning a PhD. He now teaches at the University of Tokyo and globally travels (because he is elite and important) to promote his theories. If we only turned all decisions over to the elite, we’d live happier and better lives. It’s Just Science, obviously.

He’s become the darling of the intellectual elite class, with stories in The Atlantic, New York Times, The New Yorker, etc.

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