In June 2020, after months of telling us to stay home, save lives, don’t kill grandma, public health officials said protesting in mass crowds was more important than fighting a virus.

In January of 2020, I read Dr Hans Rosling’s book Factfulness, about global public health. After reading that I wished I had gone into public health.

As Covid began to spread, I began following public health officials, epidemiologists and scientists on multiple social media platforms, eager to read their every word.

But then, June 2nd, 2020 happened. See the posts below.

This is the day public health died for many of us. This left me confused – so disillusioned by this inconsistency, contradictions and incoherent messaging, I stopped following dozens of public health experts I had foolishly worshipped. I realized public health had bull shitted us and was making mandates without any evidence they worked, or their benefits exceeded their harms.

I gave up listening to public health and have not looked back. Now in 2024, public health has little credibility – they still “tell” and do not “listen” to understand why this is so. With their arrogant attitude there is little hope they will restore trust in my lifetime.

Are Protests Dangerous? What Experts Say May Depend on Who’s Protesting What – The New York Times (

This is the day that public health died. I no longer pay attention to public health. I literally went from worshipping public health to complete disillusionment.

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