Is this satire?

We need a ‘Marshall Plan’ for public media • Oregon Capital Chronicle

The market is telling us we have too much content produced by too many writers chasing too few eyeballs to sell to advertisers. Therefore, we must use taxpayer money to subsidize products and services that the market says the public does not want.

The business of news is selling eyeballs to advertisers.

To run the business, they spend much time creating emotional click bait (look at the MSN Start page’s Discovery section – it’s eye candy, emotional click bait, pitting generation against generation, “race” against “race” stories, and “someone said something on the Internet and people got mad” stories).

Do we need to subsidize more of this content for the purpose of selling eyeballs to advertisers?

How will the self-proclaimed “4th estate” vigorously report on the government whose representatives vote on funding? Does the U.S. really want state sponsored media?
