But what would happen if everyone actually stopped eating meat tomorrow?

“It would have huge consequences — a lot of them probably not anticipated,” said Keith Wiebe, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute.

What Would Happen If Everyone Suddenly Stopped Eating Meat? (msn.com)

The story mentions that if everyone stopped eating meat, within 2-6 years we would have a global health problem of mass vitamin B12 deficiency.

Eliminating meat would be a form of cultural genocide – literally ending long standing food traditions of numerous cultures. Call it cultural appropriation, or cultural colonialism, if you wish.

The technocratic elite insist we do this:

Dutkiewicz suggested using guidelines established by the EAT-Lancet Commission, an international group of scientists who have designed a diet intended to give people the nutrients they need without destroying the planet. It consists of roughly 35 pounds of meat per year. Adopting that diet would require a drastic reduction of cows and chickens in countries like the United States, Australia, China, Brazil, and Argentina, and a slight increase in parts of Africa and South Asia.

We should eat a precisely tuned “expert” diet – which would require us to have a spreadsheet or app to track our food, precisely: The Planetary Health Diet – EAT (eatforum.org). This from the field of nutrition science which has been wildly wrong about much. They intend to force this, eventually, on everyone without having done a pilot trial on large populations. You should consume no more than 0.7 ounces of red meat per day (yes, a fraction of one ounce).

We should eat a precisely tuned diet created by expert scientists. We should put out of work almost the entire meat production industry, and render the arid lands of the U.S. west, which cannot grow crops, into uselessness.

Further, since the purpose of this, stated in the article, is to “fix” the climate, we would also have to ban all pets. In the U.S., dogs and cats consume 25% of the meat supply. Are you ready to ban dogs and cats and commit breedicide as breeds of dogs and cats would then go extinct?

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