Creative story telling: American Families Look Different Now. Good. (

And the new updated title appearing the next day:

Fertility rates are lower, so fewer families with kids, and fewer kids overall. This, the writer says, means the end of traditional families and “the shift away from the stifling gender politics of the four-person norm.” as “the nuclear family is a mistake”, a byproduct of capitalism and presumably the white patriarchy. Today’s nuclear family is no longer feasible.

The solution is living on communes and global systems based on communism.

The future means ‘polyamorous families, platonic co-parenting and “mommunes”‘. Says the pandemic caused people to want “collectivism”. Today people want “co-living, “co-living, co-housing, and intentional communities”. Apparently people today no longer wish to live in independent homes but in co-living spaces and shared, community parenting. Kind of like North Korea.

If you disagree, you are … fringe:

Although it may be premature to declare the nuclear family officially over, the model is beginning to look more like a fringe lifestyle choice than the bedrock of American society.

The demise has sparked no shortage of (often racistsexist, and homophobic) political backlash. 

The author grew up in Wisconsin, studied English Lit in Toronto and then worked in Canada for more than ten years (so international) and is now an independent writer.
