Another societal expectation:

One of his conclusions, based on gender differences he discovered during the research: “I think the experience is more difficult for men,” Sharone said.

“A good number of the unemployed men in heterosexual marriages reported tension in their marriage over the spouse being disappointed in their lack of being a breadwinner,” he noted. “I heard story after story of wives being upset and disappointed and the men really internalizing that, feeling like a big failure.”

Sharone never heard the reverse: a married, long-term unemployed woman feeling like a failure as a breadwinner.

Over 50 and out of work: Abandoned by recruiters, spouses and friends (

Researcher says a combination of age bias and “blame the victim” sets in, and those over 50, especially men, are blamed for being unemployed – even those with past career success and prestigious college degrees.

Age discrimination in the U.S. workforce is intense, especially in certain career fields. For those seeking new positions, the automated resume tracking systems used by HR today will often automatically identify and filter out older workers – such that they never even get to the interview stage.
