Malthusian thinking based on limits to growth: Scientists outline a bold solution to climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice

“The restorative pathway would represent a more equitable and resilient world with a focus on nature preservation as a natural climate solution; societal well-being and quality of life; equality and high levels of education for girls and women, resulting in low fertility rates and higher standards of living; and a rapid transition toward renewable energy.”

Not clear from their paper that they understand the global population is currently headed toward stabilization, and then shrinkage. There is a strong correlation between education of girls and lower fertility rates and that is occurring now in the few countries that have explosive population growth. 75% of the world’s population today lives in countries with negative population growth.

Their paper: An environmental and socially just climate mitigation pathway for a planet in peril – IOPscience

“In contrast to SSP1, this proposed scenario could include greater convergence of per-capita GDP, meat consumption, and energy use throughout the world (Hickel et al 2021). This would ensure that for both the global north and south, energy and resource consumption moves toward equal per capita levels, thus promoting socio-economic justice, universal human well-being, and the preservation of ecological capital (figure 1 (l); Millward-Hopkins and Oswald 2023). By prioritizing large-scale societal change, the proposed pathway could limit warming much more effectively than pathways that support growing consumption in wealthy nations (Kuhnhenn et al 2020). The pathway would also feature the use of more efficient farming practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

One translation is we must end meat consumption, adopt global socialism and put the elite in charge of decisions and end most freedoms and democracy as well – to stop the ClimateCrisis.

Climate has become a vessel to impose random social engineering having little to do with climate and will have the effectiveness of Covid-19 mitigations. Which is to say, no effectiveness but at least it will cause many harms.
