Seeing lots of similar messages. Does he realize Covid will never be over? They will have to do this the rest of their lives.

Taylor Lorenz of the WaPo posted on X that she is avoiding family for the 4th Christmas in a row. Since Covid will never be over, does she realize she is choosing to never see her family again the rest of her and their lives?

Those that believe they can avoid Covid for the rest of their lives are committing themselves to a set of NPIs that are not very effective – but will have to be maintained the rest of their life or until they get Covid (which is likely to occur in spite of their precautions). When they do get Covid, they will lash out at everyone else, blaming others for the spread of a highly contagious virus that no one has figured out how to stop from spreading. It is always someone else’s fault when they get it.

This is the result of public health – and the media nitwits – years of inconsistent, contradictory, incoherent and illogical messages around Covid. Many people believe they can NPI there way through this – but don’t realize this means for the rest of their lives – or until they get Covid.
