Says it weighs 7000 pounds. It can accelerate real fast. Safety experts compare the Cybertruck to a ‘guideless missile’ due to its weight, speed, and Autopilot features (

For comparison, the empty weight of Chevy 2500 pickups can run 6,400 pounds. With a load, these can be over 10,000 pounds. A Ford F-250 can run up to 7,500 pounds, depending on model. Similar weights for the Dodge RAM truck series.

That leaves the flat, metal design, and what impact that would have in vehicle crashes, compared to other trucks as the main difference.

The above article reads like the usual media negativity, intended to gin up an emotional response.

Others say the media engaged in a targeted campaign against Elon Musk via the use of scary headlines that exaggerated the story: Legacy media launches targeted attack on Tesla in bid to hurt Elon Musk

The media got very upset when Musk bought Twitter, took away the media’s elite Blue Checks (only available to the elite on original Twitter), and said Twitter would now support free speech instead of speech limited to that approved by media editors.
