You can’t even pay people to have more kids (

Amid the demographic collapse, many have proposed expansive government (taxpayer funded) benefits to promote having kids. These include everything from child care subsidies to direct cash payments.

Many countries have tried these approaches for up to a couple of decades now, without any success. Sometimes there is a brief slight rise in fertility rates but then the rate resumes falling. Paying people to have kids has been shown not to work. Yet they keep trying: Governments Are Paying People to Have Babies: Low Birth Rate | Money

Some blame expense, some say its due to better financial opportunities for those foregoing children, some say its a cost issue, and some say its a modern culture that has created hysteria and fear about the future. 75% of the world’s population now lives in countries with below replacement level fertility rates, meaning they are now shrinking or soon will be.

This has significant ramifications for the future of retirement systems, health care payment systems, education, the ability of governments to fight wars without sufficient young soldiers, and a shortage of workers across all fields.
