The median number of students in a class in Oregon schools is just 22. Teachers are likely to strike, and are asking for smaller class sizes. Or that for each student over, say 20 students, teachers should receive an additional 5% in pay.

Class sizes in Oregon are at or near historic lows, but for how long? –

Class sizes are small because Oregon’s fertility rate is 1.39 and the younger cohorts are collapsing.

Historically, such as when I was in public school long ago, class sizes were 30 + or -.

Related: PPS families urged to turn down Chromebook loans during strike to ‘support teachers’ –

Oregon school children are currently behind where they should be owing to the state shutting down in person education and then requiring mask wearing for a very long time. They are so far behind that the state has dropped high school graduation requirements to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and math
