By the numbers, the 2023 wildfire season in Oregon was a quiet one — with the smallest number of acres burned since 2019 and well below average for the past decade.

A total of 190,500 acres were blackened in Oregon this season, according to data from the Northwest Coordination Center, compared to 1.1 million acres burned in 2020, 800,000 in 2021 and 400,000 in 2022.

How bad was the 2023 Oregon wildfire season? Acres burned, air quality impact (

Same for California, also: Is California’s Fire Season Over? – The New York Times ( – but California’s fire season can (and has) sometimes dragged on all year. It’s a dry, warm state.

The Oregon story is a well done report, by the way. A hat tip to Zach Urness of the Salem Statesman. He has a BS in English.

My Dad had a Bachelor of Science degree. in English, which is somewhat unusual. I was told he had taken many civil engineering and prep courses, thinking he would be a civil engineer, but decided he wanted to teach, instead. He went on to complete a Master degree in American History, and a doctorate of education, and became a professor. Anyway, I guess he had taken so many science, math and engineering courses that he was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree. His first job saw him teaching math and physics!
