Climate breakdown and crop losses threaten our survival, but the ultra-rich find ever more creative ways to maintain the status quo, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

Source: With our food systems on the verge of collapse, it’s the plutocrats v life on Earth | George Monbiot | The Guardian

Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb was published in 1968 and was wrong the day it was published (the fertility rate was already collapsing in the western world). His thesis was that out of control population growth would lead, within a decade, to famine, drought, lack of water and wars. But he was wrong.  Everything he forecast was wrong – yet his book, and the 1972 Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” became the Bible that set government policy for the past 50+ years.

George Monbot (better known as Moon bat) of The Guardian yellow journalism goes full Ehrlich, telling us we are now on the verge of the collapse of the global food system.

Never mind that population growth has collapsed in most of the world, never mind that food production is at all time highs, never mind that humanity has demonstrated an incredible ability to adapt and invent.

Monbiot is today’s cartoon beggar holding the sign “The End of The World is Near“. Media nihilists like Mobiot have created a new meme known as “Doomerism” – where everything is a catastrophe and we will all die. The media is filled with Doomers like Monbiot who know that fear sells clicks. For whatever reason, many people thrive on seeking a daily dose of fear – and media junkies like Monbiot and The Guardian (the Daily Doomer!) feed doom porn to them by the shovel full through yellow journalism techniques of exaggeration, hype and fear.

Doomerism has gone so far over board that many no longer believe anything told to the masses.

Note – In the 21st century it is tough to practice factfulness, to ask reasonable questions, and to try and understand the actual details. Unfortunately, noting inconsistencies and contradictions is, in the 21st century, forbidden and results in being name called as a “denier”, even if that is not the case.
