Even though, historically – as in forever – over time, the world gets better, and in recent decades a LOT better, the non-stop doom and gloom reporting of the media affects everyone:

Americans pessimistic about nation’s future, more positive about past | Pew Research Center

Most Americans think life in the not distant future will be worse, often much worse, than it is today.

Simultaneously, they think the past was better than it is.

We remember the past through selective lenses, and fill in details with our imagination. We always view the future as worse, yet history shows us that someone born 20 years from today will almost certainly have a better life than those born today.

The problem is “Doomerism” has taken hold. It’s cool to be full of doom and gloom. Kyla Scanlon has made commentaries on this phenomena; I stopped following her in July 2023 after she said things that were not true and showed no interest in correcting the record.
