Do you want to know what effect quitting caffeine had on me? When I quit drinking caffeine, my life changed for the better. No more sleepless nights, no more grumpy mornings, no more headaches, and increased productivity. Quitting caffeine changed my life!

Source: Caffeine Problems: Stop Drinking Coffee & Change Your Life For The Better

For me:

  • More relaxed
  • Less anxiety, no longer carrying about things I do not control
  • Blood pressure dropped to the normal range (from being extremely high)
  • Resting pulse rate dropped by 10-15 counts
  • Irregular heart rate ended; is now regular
  • Sleep much better. I spent decades having great sleep difficulties (also likely related to six traumatic brain injuries) – but now I am doing much better.
  • My near daily visual migraines and visual disturbances ended.

I am only at six weeks off caffeine.

Like everyone, I thought drinking coffee every day was fine – everyone does it. The Experts say it’s perfectly fine, even healthy. Unfortunately, they were lying.

Supposedly, as a caffeine sensitive individual, I could have a cup once or twice per week, so says Public Health Canada’s newest guidelines (this week). But others say once you start, pretty soon you add another day, and another – and end up back where you began. So probably not.
