Look at this chart from the White House on October 11, 2023:

Source: Biden administration extends COVID public health emergency – Los Angeles Times

This chart, at right of the above photo, says:

  • if vaccination levels of the bivalent booster remain low (they are very low), then the curve skyrockets upwards (white or light blue line)
  • If we get influenza like vaccine uptake (about 50%), then the case curve will remain flat
  • If 80% get vaccinated, we should have the pink line with cases decreasing.

The photo is from October 11, 2022.

The chart also implies your previous 4 vaccination shots were useless – cases will rise dramatically among the 3 or 4x previously vaccinated and/or also had Covid.

What Actually Happened

As of January, just 16% of the US population had received the updated booster. In other words, the case count should look like the steeply rising white/light blue curve on the top.

CDC Case count as of February 5, 2023. Cases have gone down. The curve we have looks like the projection for an 80% bivalent booster distribution – which we did not get, not even close.

Disease models are useless garbage. As documented on this blog, disease model projections have been wrong since the beginning and remain wrong to this day. Yet are the basis for setting wrong policies and propaganda messaging.

The Experts wonder why no one believes a single word coming from public health.

A side effect of this inconsistent, contradictory, incoherent, illogical nonsensical propaganda messaging is that many of us no longer believe any Expert pronouncements of the future – and you should not either.
