The UN adviser also ranted about how she believes White people should take a step down from power in the climate movement, saying it belongs to people of color. 

“We’re allowing White people to have too much space,” she said. “[W]hite people have absolutely no prerogative or authority to lead the movement.”

We must also

  • abolish police forces
  • end capitalism

She was born in Pakistan but immigrated to the U.S. when she was very young. Like many if not most elite and privileged climate activists, she has traveled the world. She now has the elite privilege of attending NYU Law – while telling us the U.S. is awful. She is a self-described Marxist which implies she believes in rule by technocratic elite, such as herself.

She believes the West and all white people must be destroyed per her Wikipedia entry quoting her social media posts. I wanted to add the Satire/Parody tag but this is not satire – she believes this.
