My body was torn apart after I crashed into parked car at 50mph – doctors gave me 72 hours to live but I beat the odds | The US Sun (

I am going to start occasionally sharing stories of TBI survivors. This is a great one.

I had a 5″ skull fracture when I was young, one concussion prior to that and 4 more concussions as an adult. Unfortunately, not one health care provider ever mentioned “traumatic brain injury” to me and I did not discover TBI until my 5th decade when I stumbled on to a book about TBI and found myself and symptoms described in every paragraph of the first few pages. That was followed by a chance encounter with a friend of a friend, who was a neuropsychologist, about 2 weeks later, which led to having a 45-minute conversation about my history with my doctor, and the diagnosis of post TBI issues, followed by treatment. Treatment helps, especially if done soon after – and not postponed by decades.
