Every weather event today, even those that have happened often in the past, is due solely to climate change, even if there are other explanatory causes. We know this because the media says so.

From Barron’s email newsletter:

The flood waters have receded here in New York City, but home and car owners have just begun to assess their property damage after Friday’s historic storm turned streets into creeks. JFK airport got nearly nine inches of rain in the latest example of the kind of catastrophic activity that’s become increasingly common due to climate change.

I’m just a brain injured idiot, but this data, from a guy with a PhD in meteorology and a former chief scientist at NOAA seems to disagree. Who should we believe – him or a reporter with a BA in comparative literature and an MS in journalism?

This chart shows the peak rain fall day, per year, since about 1870 up to the present. Note the big peaks long before we thought humans had much contribution to climate.
