More than 80 percent of prospective homebuyers nationwide consider a climate risk while they shop for a home, according to data from Zillow.

Source: Ground News – 83 percent of home shoppers consider climate risk: study

The median duration of owning a home, before selling and moving somewhere else is 13 years…. The average is 16 years. In other words, if you bought a home in 2007, you’d be moving by now. Few people today will own a home for as long as 20 to 30 years.

How much climate change are you expecting in that time?

Reality check: Every weather event we have today has happened before, contrary to the English lit and creative writing majors writing scary stories in the media. If you live in a place that might flood or being prone to wildfire in the next 30 years – news flash – you are already living such a place.

Or even 20 or 25 years?

Think about that.
