July 8th, 2023: Solar storm expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 states | AP News (This story should never have been published)

July 12, 2023: Best day to see northern lights in Oregon? Maybe not any night this week – oregonlive.com

July 13, 2023: Update: Northern lights forecasts keep changing. The latest on seeing them by Tri-Cities (yahoo.com)

In spite of repeated hyped headlines for 2 weeks, and more forecasts for CMEs, nothing happened.

July 21, 2023: SpaceWeather.com

TWO CME IMPACTS ADD UP TO NOTHING: As predicted, CMEs hit Earth’s magnetic field on July 20th and 21st. However, the two impacts were weak and did not trigger even a minor geomagnetic storm. Quiet conditions should continue through the weekend because no additional CMEs are heading our way. 

There was a lot of media hype about an unreliable forecast from an institute at the University of Alaska. The forecast never made sense as it was for a potential CME in the future, which might, if it occurred, and is aimed just right, cause visible aurora. May be. Perhaps. Kind of. If we are lucky. Space weather forecasts days into the future are unreliable and should not have been the basis for front page, headline news stories a week in advance.
