Video Tutorials

As of November 2014, I am busy adding more tutorials on this web site and will then resume creating more video tutorials based on that content and some content from the e-books. Hopefully new video tutorials will be here soon! Thank you for visiting!

Tutorial #1
This introductory video explains what App Inventor is, and introduces the basic concepts of the Designer for building the user interface, and the Blocks editor for creating the programming behind the user interface.

4 thoughts on “Video Tutorials”

  1. For those who are interested in the “behind the scenes” this tutorial was recorded on a very old Mac Pro, using Screencast-o-matic to capture the screen images and audio. Audio was recorded using a Samson USB microphone. The video clips were then edited using the old Final Cut Pro 7 and converted to an MP4 file for upload to Youtube using Turbo.264 HD USB encoding dongle (because of a defect in FCP7, I could not output directly from FCP7).

    I might switch to Windows for future tutorials due to the problems with FCP7 (Apple terminates support for old hardware pretty rapidly and I cannot upgrade FCP7 to the newer FCP X). If I do that, I’ll use the Windows version of Screencast-o-matic for recording, and Sony Vegas for the video editing.

    1. The front section of the book gives a download link; I’m traveling at the moment and don’t have access to the text. Look in the first pages of the book for the download link for the source code.

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