“Low-Code” software development

What is Low-Code? – by Sophie Becker – Technically (substack.com)

Read the linked article.

Way back in my college days, we learned to program in everything from assembly language up through “high level” programming languages. Some of us even learned to enter boot strap code using front panel switches to enter machine code as bit patterns on a console!

Today, programming is simplified – tools like App Inventor illustrate this by using “drag and drop” programming methods, assembling programs from components, rather than typing in programing instructions.

Low Code does not necessarily divorce oneself from understanding programming concepts – but it enables the rapid construction of many functions – from user interfaces to underlying algorithms.

AI-based systems introduce a new level of automated code assembly. Go to Chat GPT, for example, and ask it to implement a sorting algorithm in Python – and sure enough, it will generates the source code in Python.

Two or three decades ago, the typical output of a software developer was likely to be a few hundred lines of code per day (at best, after integration, testing, and future modifications before final ship). New tools likely increase this by an order of magnitude or more!a