Part 3: Bluetooth communications with 2 Arduino devices, using App Inventor

Please start with “Part 1: Basic Bluetooth communications using App Inventor” to learn how to configure, set up and program an App Inventor app that communicates over Bluetooth between two Android devices. Then, read “How to connect App Inventor apps to Arduino using Bluetooth” before going through this tutorial! If you know nothing about Bluetooth … Continue reading Part 3: Bluetooth communications with 2 Arduino devices, using App Inventor

Using buttons to simulate a bar chart in App Inventor Code

Our prior post showed how to use user interface button components to simulate a column chart. We can apply the same trick to create a bar chart. In a bar chart, the data is represented as horizontal bars, whereas in the column chart, the data appears in vertical columns. Implementing the bar chart requires just … Continue reading Using buttons to simulate a bar chart in App Inventor Code

Using buttons to simulate a column chart in App Inventor Code

Clark Hochgraf has a blog post on using button controls as a simple way to draw a column chart. This is a clever idea. I created a sample program to illustrate the idea in a bit more depth, with multiple columns. User Interface View Let us look at our sample program’s user interface. The screen … Continue reading Using buttons to simulate a column chart in App Inventor Code

Using Firebase in a real app – “Here I AM!” GPS Demo app

A previous post introduced the experimental Firebase component in MIT App Inventor. Firebase is a cloud-based database that may be used by App Inventor apps, and which makes exchanging data between users easy. Note: Firebase is experimental and may change in the future. At the present time, there is one Firebase database that is shared … Continue reading Using Firebase in a real app – “Here I AM!” GPS Demo app

Demonstration app for using FirebaseDB in AppInventor

FirebaseDB provides for sharing between users all running the exact same app on their device. Read “What is FirebaseDB?” to learn more about FirebaseDB and what it does for your applications. This is a quick and very short app that demonstrates the fundamental operation of FirebaseDB when used in MIT App Inventor. I hope to … Continue reading Demonstration app for using FirebaseDB in AppInventor