Part 1: Storing and accessing user interface components as variables

App Inventor programmers routinely store values, such as numbers or text strings (“Hello!”) in variables. For example, stores the numeric value 6 in to the variable TOTALBUTTONS. To illustrate by example, here is a global variable named SpecialButton. We can initialize it to anything we want at this point. Next, inside our app, our blocks … Continue reading Part 1: Storing and accessing user interface components as variables

“Visual Development” system for Arduino

As you know, MIT App Inventor is a graphical-based programming system, or a “visual development” system where programs are constructed by dragging and dropping “blocks” onto a Blocks editor. Arduino, which we mentioned in conjunction with our Bluetooth interface code, is a microcontroller system that is normally programmed in a language similar to the C++ … Continue reading “Visual Development” system for Arduino

Android battery life – and how to extend your battery power

When I had a Nexus 4 running Android 4.3 and earlier, I used an app called Juice Defender to extend the time between battery charging. I often went 2 days without recharging the battery! But Juice Defender has not been updated since 2012 and due to Android changes, Juice Defender no longer works well. Then, Android … Continue reading Android battery life – and how to extend your battery power

Identifying the cause of serious errors in App Inventor apps

Some times App Inventor 2 apps stop working (well mine sometimes do this, may be your’s don’t!) Besides looking carefully at your blocks code, there are some additional steps that may be helpful in identifying the cause of the problem. 1. Check your blocks code very carefully to see if you can spot an error in … Continue reading Identifying the cause of serious errors in App Inventor apps