To understand, one only has to look at the poliovirus vaccine that was invented in the 1950s. Distribution started in the US in 1955, but the last cases of polio were reported as late as in 1979.

“It took many, many years for polio to be eradicated from the US, despite having a vaccine that is 95% effective,” Landsberger said

Also, as long as there is a virus, there will be virus variants.

Source: Variants vs. vaccines: Is the COVID-19 race ever going to end? -analysis – The Jerusalem Post

Never in history have we shut down nearly entire countries and most of society as we did in 2020. The treatments invented in the 17th century (isolation) do not work well and are known to not be sustainable for long periods:

While there were those who hoped that modern technology and the rapid pace of coronavirus vaccine development and administration could shorten the length of this pandemic – and it might – at the same time, the modern world is very small and travel is common, which could make stopping the spread of the virus even harder, Maor said.

Read the article. They mention past pandemics and epidemics – but in those past scenarios, we did not shut schools for years or make people wear face masks for years.

And this:

Pandemics don’t just end. They fade into the background either when everyone is vaccinated or recovered or when society determines that they are no longer going to have a significant impact on people’s lives.

Past papers noted pandemics end on their own or when people return to living their lives. We are at that latter point already.

I was in two national name brand stores this morning. In one, about 90% wore (mostly useless cloth) face masks. No one complained or insisted those without masks must wear one. Stores have no enforcement powers anyway.

At the other national chain store, about 50% of the customers were not wearing face masks.

At both stores, numerous patrons that were wearing masks, plus staff, did not cover their noses. If you are not covering your nose, even with a (mostly useless cloth) mask, you are pretending to have protection.

I wore a KN95 mask – and had several issues making it difficult. I could not do this for much longer than needed for a store visit. I was booked on a flight in late September that should have been 90 minutes, after the Sep 13th mask mandate ended. But the DOT re-instated the mask mandate and the airline changed our direct flight to a long layover – 90 minutes is now about 10 hours wearing a mask continuously. Can’t do that so am canceling the trip. Sorry airline and hotel.
